
Ze braoliveria pasta with rosée sauce, all the necessary nutrients without any of
Vegetarians Gone Wild
I'm lovin' it
Playful kitten
Probably not the safest way to get a piercing...
Vegetarian, loner, nature lover, a little shy but I can be quite.. ahem... aggressive!
Got a kick of out of this, thought you guys would too.
Sri Lankan monk sets himself on fire in protest of cattle slaughter. [X-Post r/MorbidRealty]
vegetarian birthday pizza with maple sausage, pepperoni, mini corn dogs
Words cannot describe...
saw this in /r/quotesporn
Meat juices!
Vegetarian? No, Vagitarian!
NSFW This is Joshua, he is a calf that was used for the NARD protest (Story in comments)
Reason #22815
Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary and Birds of a Different Feather Microsanctary joined forces
This is wrong
A male chick about to get slaughtered in egg production
[Possibly NSFW] I think this applies to lots of us! :D
"This put us off chicken, we don't want to eat meat again..... we settled for
There's a good reason!
Would you agree to put a living baby chick inside a ...
Battery Cage, Enriched Cage, & Cage Free
When people ask where i get my protein (possible repost:)
In Germany a bull managed to escape from a truck headed to slaughter and fled, terrified
Vegetarian Porn
Hope you don't think this is too aggressive
Vegetarian in muh bunker. What do?
Veal Industry
vegetarian dark meat
Vegetarians would literally die for this decadent treat
Animal Agriculture
An animal activist pets a pig who is waiting at a slaughterhouse
"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed
I'm sick of being nice to people.
Vegetarian Burger Joint
Pig trying to save their friend from slaughter
Fun fact: this is what happens to male chicks in the egg industry. Eggs are no more
Vegetarians acting as expected
Vegetarian Spaghetti
Vegetarian Birthday Cake
vegetarian and want to try meat? i know a guy
Vegetarians be like
How’s the view from down there?