
Eve, with a side of acid
Imagine doing this girl doggie style....
What the fuck is going on in this picture?
WTF performance art... kinda NSFW
[NSFW?] I'm looking at you!
It's pretty weird when you notice the naked guy second.
People search for this stuff?
Searched Google Pics for "cake" ("kage" in Danish)...when you
I randomly found this on my computer and my dad was recently using it....
This is the problem with the world...
Port-a-Potty message...for pretty cheap!
So.. Apparently this is a "fetish". Sniffing girls buttholes. Thanks, google.
The fact that she was laughing that this was on facebook for all to see blew my mind...
Thank you to Özgür Ceylan.
A Tender Moment with James Joyce [NSFW]
This was in a Pink music video (Raise Your Glass). I thought it was rather disturbing.
Upvotes out the butt?
[NSFW] I think this for a calender
Oh, explosm...
Found this while browsing the poetry tag on tumblr.
I Googled: "the most useless invention", and found this... (NSFW)
So I was browsing through the dark depths of Facebook and came across a network of
A friend found this on his Facebook feed
[NSFW]A what? A dick skirt!
I don`t want to be involved, thank you. [NSFW]
found this in one of my archives
Googled "computer mouses" and didn't quite expect this assortment
Slay It!
te frogjob
A clip from a show that is airing on Adult Swim
A human Barbie
I stumbled across the weird side of the internet again [NSFW]
When you dearch for weird ass shit this is what you get
So this is a thing. [NSFW]
Methods of pleasure; Jesus approved [NSFW]
[NSFW] Weird guy lives in his mom's basement like this.
[NSFW] A scene from the PG-rated movie, "Light Years."
This is what happens to my hands after 5 min of getting wet. Anyone know what this
Awkward YouTube nicknames
Twitter spam accounts can be...unsettling
So I found this piece of jewelry on Craigslist about a week (or more) ago..(on the
This guy is famous for walking outside his house in South Haven, MI almost completely
guy taking nudes whilst covering his junk with bible wtf
Tickle them ivories
Busting A Grumpy (NSFW)
So this was a thing from the 80s apparently? (x-post /r/WTFgarageSale)
Who would win ?
Regular YouTube ad
Xi Jinpooh