
Found this dead bird (of prey?). Wondering what kind it is. Southern Maryland. (Warning:
What is this bird we saw it eating road kill
Looks like a nest got raided. What bird is this?
Warning: Dead Bird. Is this a virginia rail? :(
What is this bird? Salzburg Austria
(NSFW) Seen in NE Florida
Sad: dead wren tuolumne county northern California. House?
Found dead on the beach, Northern England, anyone know what it is?
Hawk of some variety. North Eastern USA
Bird crashed into window in the west of Ireland. Another pics in comments
Found the remnants of an attacked bird. The wing is still in tact but the rest is
This will be fun! Gopher Snake swallowing unknown bird. Tonopah Basin, Nevada
Anyone know what kind of bird this is?
What is this dead bird and why are these wasps/hornets trying to give it kisses?
The window claims another victim. But who is it?
Please ID this poor dead bird. Some sort of warbler? Found in SE Michigan. I did
Found this poor guy on the patio when I got to work. Must've become friends with
Southeast PA, this wing was on the ground. About 6 inches across. What's it from?
Sadly found dead in NYC
What is this bird skeleton I've found (North West UK) this afternoon? It was quite
Found this morning, San Diego (Not Alive)
Immature Cooper's hawk eating a pigeon?
What type of raptor? Mololla, Oregon
Dog killed this bird's mother, wondering what species it is? Google yielded nothing
This poor guy flew into my glass door just a few days after moving into my apartment.
Not my photos. Central Valley, CA. First is fledgeling owl, second is apparently
Midwest USA, hurt bird ID
asheville, nc - nsfw - found on the side of the road
Northern IL, and did an animal do this?
Poor warbler flew into a window. Can’t quite ID it. Southern Ohio. NSFW
Stunned bird found on my balcony in Chicago, what is it?
NSFW Dead duck-like bird found in my basement in Northern New York, USA. Beak is
Anyone know what kind of bird this is? Thinking a neighborhood stray cat got to it
Pretty dead bird in Southern Ontario
Bay coast of Maryland
Thoroughly sniffed in southern Nevada
What bird did this and are birds covered in some sort of powder?
Gold-crowned Sparrow?
Found this "piece of a bird" near the North Sea Coast of Germany. I'm curious
Found this poor little owl in my yard. Can anyone tell me more about it? Ohio.
Sorry for gruesomeness. Maybe the feet can help identify this dead bird I saw near
Unfortunately hit my patio door and didn't make it. Upstate SC. just want to know
Found this on the beach can someone help I'd it