Just a carrot [NSFW]?

User: ramigb

Categories: wft


God damn, people share too much on facebook.
Maggots in a foot
So.... This happened... NSFW
Girl holding large salamander that looks like something else (possibly NSFW)
HMT while this mirror almost slices me in two
Man with Severe Face & Eye Infection (NSFW)
Coyote victim & Darwin Award winner
Turn that frown, upside down.
Eye can see you.
Recent but already a classic.
Deformed mountain lion.
Yeah fuck that
Aww hell no
Nailed it !
Someone's a hoarder..
Flame on! (x-post r/wtfanarchy)
Your welcome Lucas
Three-headed cobra
I still love the machine..
What real sportsmanship looks like.
Anyone want to see a long strand of Fibrin that came out of my dialysis tube today?
pening up... ??? snapchat - butbend