Michelle Viscusi from Top Shot Season 4


User: KendallthaNinja

Categories: girlswithguns


Sexiest army in the world
Hot girl I went to high school with.
Show 'em how it's done, Linda.
Fingers off the triggers
X-post from r/hotchickswithtattoos
X-post from r/hairbra
How do you feel about anime?
/r/guns didn't like this...wt[f]?!
Thank you Parallax for reaffirming my faith in American Society.
I hadn't put the clip in yet...
Found this in pics.. Thought you folks would dig it.  (X-post)
AR-15 Love
This belongs here (x-post from gifs)
Looking good
Cocked and ready MILF
Full Auto Jiggle
Big Tits, big gun [nsfw]
Petite chick, huge revolver
Famous Korean War Chick
Steady Aim
Hot girl with a gun
Country gal & her rifle
Hayden Panettiere and a Gun
found the link the the noveske Raven
Find me on S N P:AnnePowPow [F] Your orders, my pleasure
Getting into Daddy's drawer....
From IG Tastes like candy
Half Indian, half Romanian — from New York City