20g dual coil .09 ohms Plume Veil


User: qigone

Categories: Coilporn


[NSFW] .22 Quad coils on my new Troll RDA! 0.02 resistance. Sorry for potato quality.
Not very pretty but Dual Parallel 24g 5 wrap .04 ohms on Mutation X v3
dual parallel 22g kanthal a1 not very safe or clean looking but gets the job done
.04 ohms!
4 raps parallel 22 gauge sub-ohm competition wire.
NSFW 24/24 Parallel Clapton 30 On a Dark Horse Clone Ohm'd @.09 Thoughts?
Quad coil 22g 4 wraps each
First super sub-ohm build, dual paralell 24 gauge, 7 wraps on a white freakshow,
6 raps parallel 22 gauge sub-ohm wire.
Today's build before work. Dual tri parallels 24g nichrome. 5/6 wrap on 2.4mm driver.
Not exactly coil porn, but I'm proud of this build. 4 wrap 22g tri coil on a cerebrus
28g Nichrome .16 ohms on my new Geyser atty. Snaked with natural cotton
26g wrapped around double twisted 26g 0.07 ohms (NSFW)
NSFW- First go at Claptons 22 gauge wrapped with 32 gauge .07 ohms
Quad Coil - Twisted [30g x ribbon] x [28g], [NSFW]
My first sub .1 ohm build
NSFW One of my all time favorite builds. 20g gplat 6wrap 2.4mm spaced on the Twisted
First twist build. .03 ohms. Any good?
Triple Parallel 3 Wrap 3mm | 24g Kanthal | 0.09Ohms NSFW
Dual Kanthal Clapton ~0.57Ω in vertex v2
.26G spaced ni20 13 wraps. .08 ohms
Final product : 2 double twisted 26g ni80 wrapped with a strand of the nickel coil
Quad twisted 26G titanium. Twisted messes. 0.079 ohm
Fused Clapton, 2x22gauge core, ribbon cover. Always build safe! 1Ω on a Sigeli 150
.08 (4x 26 twisted then claptoned with 28) paralleled with 22. 5 wraps on 3mm in
NSFW. First Alien. 3x26/40 ni80 0.09. Delicious, dense vape.
NSFW dual claptons, 24g KA1/30g ni200 @ 0.12 ohms
[NSFW] Staged Fused Clapton - 2x28g/32g/23g KA1 0.12Ω.
Another super NSFW. 22g n80 dual parallel coil. Wicked and sitting at 0.055 ohm.