
User: GoOdShItPoSt

Categories: Warframe


Shhhh!!! Incoming Grineer Patrol [possibly NSFW]
Nyx vs Mr. Black | Artist: Matiny
Apparantly edgy teenagers get pretty angry and racist when you call them out for
[Spoiler] Many Bothans died to bring you this information.
[Mild Spoilers] My current desktop background, in all its glory.
[Spoiler] You can now change the color of your Tenno's accessories and markings
I expect this to show up in all The War Within cinematics
[Spoiler] I think i drew the short straw with the new mods.
[Spoiler] You can SCAN Kuva Clouds, they have Orokin Heads
[Spoiler] Happened to have double Smeeta buff active when the Siphon was destroyed.
[Spoiler] Who came up with this number? Nah, seriously, does RNG draw it or someone
[Spoiler] I think RNG is sick of my shit
[Maybe spoilers?] Lotus, I shrunk the operator!
[Spoiler] Maybe if I put pretty pictures up, he'll love me more.
Wow, Chroma really is the hardest frame
NSFW Pretty sure this violates some safety law