

User: ShitISaw

Categories: ShitISaw


Traffic Problems in Qatar
Making a grand escape
Tug of Roar (x-post /r/interestingasfuck)
Grappling masterclass
Bad husband. Bad. Bad.
How I enjoy my cheesy melt sandwich
aww man :(
Mike Tyson was a scary fighter
Seal slaps a kayaker in the face with an octopus
Trying to carry a boulder.
A comrade fell
Dad tries to impress his daughter with hip moves at the Cubs game.
backwards helmet
Paint between layers of resin
Bus crash physics in action
Special effects
Snowmobile speed test
Fresh cement
A little too effective counter blow
A beautiful view
Checking if the gun is working using your hand as target, WCGW?
This buttplug
Muscle memory is a bitch
Jet plane on non jet run way
Mile High Club
dog treadmill
Respect the pants.