Cut through the epidermal layer exposing the vessels below without lacerating them.


User: crumbbelly

Categories: dontputyourdickinthat


A Lego Brick Fleshlight
Puff Lord, eater of nightmares
Severe parasitic worm load...
Thanks, I hate flaccid ducks
The entry this leech makes
Don't turn your back
This Laxative ad
comedy cat rape
Thats a big no for me
The anaconda possesses one of the world's strongest constricting forces. Unfortunately
Horsehair worms leaving their host!
I would never have it in my yard...yet I cannot look away
People are so immature
HMC while I get ready for a big night out
When you see it....
And she plans on making it bigger
Thanks, I hate beetles in mysterious locations
A new kind of bottle opener.
Thanks I hate ground coffee
This ass-looking mushroom
Bottoms up
Hippie Foot
Yes daddy jigsaw, I DO wanna play a game ?
My newly opened can of frosting looks like a vagina.
My dad did something dumb on the tablesaw last week so I made him a Christmas present
This herpes ring
The Atlantic Ocean - Atlanthicc (AnthroPoniesSfm) [Geography]
Thanks, I hate rats under my floor
Thanks, I hate emojis