SomeBODY once told me

User: SizzlyStanThePlanMan

Categories: MakeMeSuffer, Shrek


Horses mode
Looks like teeth
close shave
Oh.....OH NO
I have no idea
Oh grandma..
Ah fuck
Eyeball licking. Yup...
Proper way to sanitize your hands
Never gonna say Chooo again
Splinter removal with a twist
Inflamed salivary glands
What the fuck?
So I did a Pore Strip on my nose...
Mmm delicious cum snow
My friend cut himself while working on a PC. Some of his skin was left on the heat
Some fun in the Walmart parking lot
Yummy and Crunchy!
Prepping the Thanksgiving turkey
Bolsonaro fucking Rainbow Dash
Mr. Ed is falling on hard times
femboy Garfield
Achievement Unlocked!!!
Meat slicer injury
6 years ago I broke my hand, my finger eventually straightened back out.