"See? I told you I could make your tits perkier!"


User: NorwegianPsycho

Categories: AnnoyedToBeBound


Tits ready for the rave
"I don't care what kinds of tools you have. I'm not some kind of toy for you
The auctioneer told her she would fetch a higher price if she smiled, but she wouldn't
It's not her style to be happy. The current situation is not changing much.
The most frustrating part was to smell the pizza without being able to eat a slice
At first she was angry at the cool gang for humiliating her like this. But now she
After fighting against being put in bondage, Mason changed strategy to pouting
Don't look at me like that, I'm not your bitch! And remove this ballgag, I'm drooling
This was not what she had expected when her boyfriend said he would put her on a
Santa's little helpers were excited to be gifted away to the person on the top of
If your damsel starts to give you “Puppy eyes”, because she likes to get untied.
Becky Tape Tied
Lauren was looking forward to working at a home office, but was shocked to learn
"Are you serious? You cuffed my tits? What are you afraid of? That I will tit
After the delays to the postal service I'm not sure she's annoyed.
"Can you take of the shackles now? I'm getting a headache from the rattling
We must do something lovely along saturday
I dont think Sye enjoyed being my administrative assistant. I'm looking for a partner,
"If you wanted to see my tits, then you shouldn't have tied me up for. 'Cause
The upgrade from cage to prison cell didn't meet her expectations
Definitely annoyed. First 10 registered at MAKE FAST DATE.com (makefastdate.com)
so long story short she is now my Xgirlfriend. Free daily nudes if you register on
Shes not a fan of how generous her master is with sharing her holes. I'm looking
After a day of shop lifting she thought being in a cell was the worst that could