Another Workout


User: [deleted]

Categories: Botchedsurgeries


Stolen from r/wtf
Poor poor Mary
Redditor put equine testicles in her breast implants.
Orthorexic Instagram 'influencer' with ass/hip/breast implants and face fillers.
NSFW Rotisserie Chicken
Many choices were made
Oh god, THE HIPS
Don’t kill yourself trying to look good
This woman almost died during surgery to achieve "the world's fattest pussy"
is it even real?
Beauty standards.
Aftermath of illegal, cheaper procedures. Cheaper isn't always better
I have no words
lord have mercy
And she plans on making it bigger
Injection Necrosis
Serious case of diaper butt
Looking like a cardboard box
They look really uncomfortable
Wants to be muscular, continues to self inject anything he can find (synthol, oil,
She found a flesh colored ostrich egg
Deflated right breast implant fixed
Working Out
Oh my.
as a girl, my back hurts just looking at this
She recently started going viral. Had to see what this was all about. Legs don't