3 months on 2mg of estradiol sublingually daily and 5mg of finasteride, just started taking an additional 1mg of estradiol sublingually in the evening in addition to the 2mg I took daily prior to the 3 month mark.


User: Unknowngnb

Categories: TransBreastTimelines


How long do you think I was on hrt?
0 days to 5 Months
Almost 2 months into HRT and others have said my growth so far is ahead of most.
6 months and 20 days of oral E2(6 mg for the first 2 months then upped it to 8 mg),
1 year - what tanner stage?
What tanner stage?
2 months EV. I'm starting to like them ?
100 days, how are we doing?
5 1/2 months. Am I doing okay and where am I?
Am i stagnating? Tanner stage? (E2 monotherapy injections + progesterone rectal)
-1 month vs 6 weeks on spiro, 0.5 per day patch E
a month and a half on 200mg spiro and 6mg e2 (oral) really excited to see these!