did i mention i have long legs? snap : singsex ???


User: GrammarPerkasa

Categories: TrueCFNM


Guy with girls
From Baker Street at B2B
His prints are all over that cop car
She seems enamored
Just casually checking out the goods
Two helmets
Classic Rocky Angel at Bay to Breakers (B2B)
And the winner is...
Business casual
Amsterdam Pride (with fixed link)
It's rude to point
Blowing on Dan
Some confident CFNM
Captain Jack and King Tut at B2B
He's got a big ol' donger
Rocky is a brave guy
"What is that?!"
I love the sassy look from the second girl
I'm a big fan of that rack on the left
Fun fact: This is actually the exact same process for knighting in the UK.
CFNM in the city
He blue himself
Huh. I don't remember there being a fifth turtle.
Livin' the clean life
What a great costume