
How /b/ memes work.
Squirt [NSFW]
Priorities in Gamestop
OP gets a taste of his own medicine.
Holy shit, OP Delivers.
Did NOT expect that... or that!
OP delivers
ITT: anal sex stories
That's fucking genius
Anon performs a surgery on himself. [NSFW]
Trap Thread [NSFW]
Anon asks for a Photoshop favor
Illustrated greentext stories from /fit/
Dammit /b/
Can you photoshop me a date /b/ ?
Anon told OP.
Deduction of the /b/ calibre.
/mlp/ in a nutshell
Anon wants to recreate lion king.
Anon makes a huge mistake
/fit/ once again proving it's not homo (nsfw)
Anon suspects his sister may have received an abortion
Anon shares a photo
Anon doesn't wash his dick for 18 years.
Anon Misses Something Everyday [NSFW]
Anon reviews a fleshlight
Stay safe /b/
Anon knows the guy
OP one-ups his ex girlfriend
Anon gets his life together
Anon asks the real question
Anon's GF has weird tits (NSFW)
Tug of War
OP is the most heterosexual gentleman I know
/pol/ sees a 10
Robot fucks up.
/b/ learns how to get away with murder
Tan's Coming Along Nice
Anon wants to know when your balls became waterproof...
4chin wakes up as a qt3.14
/b/rother gets laid
OP fucks up
OP gets some bad news by random anon
Robot Fights Against Bully
anon gives advice on ex gf
Robots discuss eating pussy
/pol/acks discuss "plus size model' tess holiday
Anon is looking for a career
Alex Jones was just caught on stream with transsexual porn. See you tomorrow boys
/pol/ is on thot patrol