
did someone say fateposting? [Fate/Zero Spoilers]
Nothing better than eating subway with your friends.
Scared to Sleep Alone
When someone takes your chocolate milk
10 likes and I get this tattoo. No bamboozles.
K-On Naming Alignment Chart
One of these things is not like the other
Deja vu
Low effort meme
Good maths
A small warning
a cat is fine too
Fill my insides with your big hard karma
A Hive of Degeneracy and Shame
no offence intended
Goblin slayer is a lucky boii
Elon Musk could be hiding anywhere on this subreddit
nHentai: Origins
Meh, I probably won't regret it
Padoru Padoru
This is a bit too sexy for me
Controversial section here I come!
Look at that beautiful blue sky
Guess I am a villain
[NSFW] If you seen nothing more than gummy worms then you're a pervert, baka...
all units report shots fired
This is thighland!
I’m converting from Chika to Hayasaka
I wish I could be in Tanya's battalion
Summer is nearly here
Blow till it's cool
Rias doing a little dance. Upvotes to the westward direction.
Water water water
[NSFW] Behold! The tunnel of T H I C C!!!
Inspired by a similar meme
Beeg borgar
Superior Japanese weaponry
First energy drink is always memorable
I kinda forgot WatchMojo still exists
I too, am "excited" for spooktober
[NSFW] Only few will understand...
Me watching High School DxD at work
Y'all can't handle the truth
What do you mean this isn't ”your name”?
Your type
2D is Superior
[NSFW] Anime is the most powerful cognitohazard of all
Anime has RANGE
Swimsuit Rena - Magia Record Mobage
[NSFW]? I can't tell if this needs to be marked or not but just in case
Modified your meme u/ryuuzuru~
Sauce: Drawing while Masturbating
I only watch for the plot
This knowledge could save your life
To unite all peoples within our nation