
It could've been worse..
My family pick ticks off my dog and throw them into Ikea candle
Part 2 to the mario post
Cuteness overload
Hello, Ed
Eyes up here Karen!
A simple image that happens to hold an immense power
Got just what i wanted for Christmas!
Unsure which one to suck
It's pretty convenient
(*Adjusts glasses) Ya, I'll take that tiger tattoo up there on the wall
They do serve good food in strip clubs though
When the boys are helping you out
My little pony
Screwing yourself. Literally. NSFW
Bella stop it! That's dirty!
Send help
Spina bifida, a birth defect where the spinal cord develops partially outside of
Please don’t do cocaine, or else this will happen!
Now clap!
First time, be gentle
I see your piggy poop balls, and raise you piggy spaghetti butt
Ingrown toenail
A stray cat was accidentally locked in one of my University's dorms ... 7 months
Too true!
Rawr XD
Fence and blood
Someone put this in a group chat and I'm all out of unsee juice so now you have to
? ?
Some quality bowling
I wonder what happened here
*takes massive sip of Unsee Juice*
Can I get a prayer?
4chan user hasn’t showered in over 14 months. Proof included. NSFW
NSFW. "Life is a Beautiful Ride." POV shot from a profoundly unwashed recluse.
Mom gives birth in a pool and a toddler drinks the pool water
Feast Your Eyes Upon It
Call a toe truck.
Hummingbird Smuggling Pants
I work at a salad bar. I must have added meat on someone's salad today. (credit:
Oh god
This mornings memo said it’s “Stuff we’ve pulled out of our nose day”.
This Pigs chin tumor
Knife Slipped
Board kicking up on the table saw? I’ll just push it down…
I had a severe ingrown toenail a few years ago
Firework 1, my hand 0
Knee Replacement scar splits open showing the pieces
TIL about Thyroid Eye Disease
A shelter fox with gingival hyperplasia
My dead bone removal. Thx Afghanistan.
The final straw for my time at McDonald's
Sunblock can expire. Please make sure yours is within date and stored properly