
Lion becomes one with the zebra
What happens when you get caught by lions (warthog)
Hyena eating live warthog guts
Crocodile unhurriedly drags wildebeest to its death
Jaguar and its cub playing tug of war with a dead Anaconda
Hyenas brutalize one of their own
A zebra's brutal wounds seconds after breaking free from the jaws of a crocodile
Fear the rat catcher
A pack of African wild dogs has a feeding frenzy digging into a live warthog
What’s left of a stray cat found in my backyard. NSFW
Adelie Penguin checking out its mate's wound after a leopard seal attack
A European Robin that was impaled by a Shrike
Polar Bear enjoying a Polar Bear carcass
Common Buzzard preparing to finish off a rabbit that it wounded
Lioness sharing a meal with her cub
An Albatross watches as a Kelp Gull eats it alive
Jackal eating a Gemsbok through its eye socket
South American Gray Foxes fighting over a penguin carcass
Komodo Dragons eating a Water Buffalo face-first
Croc with human arm in its mouth NSFW
Gazelle watching as her fawn gets eaten alive by a baboon
Giant Otter chewing on Caiman guts
Bear punches wolf.
Coyote enjoying a seal carcass
A Chital Deer watches as a Mugger Crocodile starts to rip off its leg
Striated Caracara eating a penguin chick
A sheep getting eaten alive by keas
Golden Jackal eating a Chital Deer's heart
Red-tailed Hawk spilling a coot's guts
Lesser Black-backed Gull eating a live pigeon
Peregrine Falcon decapitating a Blue Jay
The snack that smiles back
Japanese Sparrowhawk feeding on a live chick
Snowy Sheathbill feeding on a penguin carcass
Wolf chewing on boar guts
Striated Caracara eating a Skua's face
Wild mare and her foal died at birth in wilderness
drowning is my worst fear
eaten alive
Black-backed Jackals feeding on a Fur Seal fetus
Baby Hippo getting killed by its own pod
Langur getting eaten alive by a Wild Boar
Jaguar crunching a Black Caiman's skull
Orca tossing a Sea Lion
Buffalo shared happily between two Lions
Hyena eating an Elephant fetus
Wasp eats Wasp
Remains of a WSL hunting dog after wolf attack
Mole Snake (Pseudaspis cana) burrowing through sand. Seen near Cape Town, South Africa.
Mantis vs Wasp - Eating the brains first
A Zebra escaping an Alligator. Too little, too late
Livestock guardians take down coyote
On four separate occasions, fur seals have been documented forcing themselves onto
Can't run away with a busted leg
Coyote ran off with the family cat
Jumping on the soon to be "My cat killed..." bandwagon. My car drug this
A wounded Chinstrap Penguin succumbs to its injuries