
Got a wrong text: "Hey, now is my chance!... 
ABORT!!! IT'S A TRAP!!!!!"
[50/50] Amazing picture of a polar bear  l  Gross human being who should have been
Pro-life comparing abortion to genocide at UBC Vancouver campus today and tomorrow.
50/50 Bag of cute kittens / Bag of aborted babies
DIY abortion kit at Briscoes for only $39.99!
[50/50] Shakira shaking her sexy ass [NSFW] | Abortion from a tin can [NSFL]
Choice is Abortion [NSFW]
So it seems UK is intending to make English women respectable by aborting the freedom
Local Abortion Clinic [FIXED]
[TW: Facebook] If men could have children, abortion would not be an issue, it's all
Accidental Shark Abortion
[NSFW] [ABORTION PICTURE - DELETE IF NOT ALLOWED] Do you agree with this argument?
She was too dumb to abort you
So... My sister received this anti-abortion flyer in her mailbox... Going too far??
What an aborted baby looks like at 11 weeks (I've seen a lot of shit on the Internet
I'd kill a child for her name. Like a small child... like an abortion type thing.
Let's just hold this huge aborted fetus up on a busy road at 7:30am.
Every time they're out there with their signs with aborted fetuses.