Adult Network

"honey don't you think you're treating one of our kids unfairly?" "who?
There's a black man in my family tree... He's been hanging there for a while now.
If we have learned anything from the Friday the 13th movies, it's that Jason mainly
I wonder if Bruce Wayne ever wears a Batman t-shirt.
What do you call a black man who flies a plane? A pilot, you assholes.
Its poor! But, What happens when Supper stars fart in public? lol
How do you get a gay man to fuck a woman? Shit in her cunt.
Why don't you want your nose to be 12 inches long? because then it would be a foot!
If there are three gay guys in a bath and a lump of cum floats to the surface, what
If you're reading this you're probably addicted to the internet. And by internet,
Jokers of Reddit, any good blonde jokes or punch lines out there?
Pokemon Go has really improved my life... I used to always get in trouble for playing
Why does Helen Keller wear tight jeans? So people can read her lips.
A Bug's Mind What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when he crashes
My favorite kind of math is adding insult to injury.
Today I learned two things: 1. Build-A-Bear Workshop only lets you stuff fake animals
Orange Julius is the third best thing to happen to oranges behind mimosas and the
Libertarian Presidential Candidate's new Campaign, inspired by Bernie Sanders. "Feel
Why did the Canadian cross the road? Because that's the direction his car was sliding.
What's a dinosaur's least favorite reindeer? Comet! =D
What do you call kangarooo jump and play hocky? the fam copter
Make sure you don't forget the 'R' when you're Googling, "movies of Gary Oldman."
When are they going to drug test the audience of "The Price Is Right."?
How many portuguese people can fit on a scooter? A Brazilian
Why do golfers wear 2 pairs of pants? Incase he gets a hole in one
Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet? Because they could spend
If you believe the home alarm commercials, the first thing burglars do when they
Impotence: Nature's way of saying, "No hard feelings"
I like Tuesday simply because it is literally the furthest from next Monday I can
What's the difference between wild Iranian Ossetra caviar and my penis? One is a
A woman's JJ sized breasts saved her life in a car accident. Those same breasts were
My favorite knock knock joke. I need someone to start it ... Someone start the knock
TIL A ref can show a player the red card for a loud fart ... even if it isn't Messi.
Descartes walks into the bar. The bartender asks him, "will you have your usual
Do it tomorrow. You have made enough mistakes for today.
What's the worse thing to do to a blind person? Leave a plunger in the toilet
Everything has to be related in a woman: if the mouth shuts, the legs open.
What do you call a frisbee that's more than a friend? Frisbae
"You know what." -- They.
What the quickest way to a mans heart? Though his chest with a knife
Why can't a bike stand on it's own? Because it is two tired.
Two fish are in a tank... One is driving, and the other is manning the guns.
What was the name of Paul Revere's favorite porno mag? The British are Coming
How do you know if your wine was made in the 90's? It smells like teen spirit.
How many people does it take to change a light bulb in Brazil? A Brazillion!!! http://imgur.com/c4CJjUd
Putting captions in the wrong place You know what I hate the most...?
I just Googled 'Nicolas Cage jokes' and it showed me a list of every film he's been
What do you call a blonde in a BMW? Optional.
My mom recently bought a Jesus shaped flashlight When I asked her why she said: So
What do you call a racist dog from Animal Crossing? KKK Slider
Who is better? The 3rd wave feminist or the pencil? The pencil is better. It has
I'm trying to write a poem for my girlfriend, does anyone know what rhymes with threesome?
If you have a parrot and you don't teach it to say,"Help, they've turned me
First woman on the moon W: Houston, we have a problem H: What is it? W: Nevermind
Today I learned two things: 1. Build-A-Bear Workshop only lets you stuff fake animals
I once had a crippiling masturbation addiction... ...now i have a sex addiction,
What's a pirate's favourite type of weaponry? It's ARRRtillery! bonus: A pirate's
What was the name of Paul Revere's favorite porno mag? The British are Coming
What do you call a midget with no teeth A gum job.