Adult Network

What do you call a grammatically incorrect horse? An horse.
I heard that Being the one to circumcise elephants doesn't pay too well But the tips
Why do lawyer's suits never have pants pockets? Because their hands are always in
What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker? A hooker can wash her
The definition of spin
They say love is worth more than money. But I'm pretty sure my landlord is gona want
Libertarian Presidential Candidate's new Campaign, inspired by Bernie Sanders. "Feel
Guy comes home with a flower bouquet... "Guess I'll have to spread my legs now",
Someone should invent a version of Twitter for people who spell things like rappers.
you knew the backstreet boys were actually friends because when the one boy asks
You could be a "Before" model.
Who does the Metric Cult worship? ...Demetre.
What is it called when you are on the edge of WiFi signal range? Router Limits!
You really have to question the judgment of people who have children on purpose.
Retweet if you're naughty! Star if you love Jesus! Reply if you'd like to meet him!
What did Spock find in the Enterprise Bathroom? The Captain's Log.
How do you spot the blind man at the nudist beach? It's not hard
Why does BuzzFeed skip every other number when counting? They literally can't even.
Impotence: Nature's way of saying, "No hard feelings"
Me: waiter, do you have frog legs? Waiter: of course monsieur Me: good, hop over
What's the difference between wild Iranian Ossetra caviar and my penis? One is a
My 8 y/o memorized my 12 character password that has upper and lowercase letters,
What's an extroverted accountant? One who looks at your shoes while he's talking
TIL A ref can show a player the red card for a loud fart ... even if it isn't Messi.
How to keep the flies off the bride at an Italian wedding Keep a bucket of shit next
I'm ready for the cop-buddy film where they actually get along in the beginning but
What's the worse thing to do to a blind person? Leave a plunger in the toilet
7% of all hearing loss is a result of sitting in a restaurant next to a table full
What do grandparents smell like? "Depends"
"You know what." -- They.
Why are hillbilly murders hard to solve Because they all share the same DNA
if people really didn't want to hear smartass responses they wouldn't keep asking
What did the hillbilly say to his sister after she asked him to have sex with her?
A guy walks into a bar... Ouch.
How do you know if your wine was made in the 90's? It smells like teen spirit.
Whilst at college I did experiment with marijuana. I did it in snow, I did it in
Putting captions in the wrong place You know what I hate the most...?
My new cooking show, "Will Sasso Cooks With His Exposed Dick Really Close to
I lost my virginity to a retarded girl last night. I wanted it to be special
What idiot called her a Hot Indian Girl and not a Bomb Bae
My mom recently bought a Jesus shaped flashlight When I asked her why she said: So
This doctor once told me eating a bagel was like eating 5 slices of bread and I was
I'm trying to write a poem for my girlfriend, does anyone know what rhymes with threesome?
Why was pregnant Cinderella late to the ball? Miscarriage
What do you call a grammatically incorrect horse? An horse.
Donald Trump Does this count as putting the punchline in the title?
The Grapes of Wrath 2: The Raisins of Revenge
Why do lawyer's suits never have pants pockets? Because their hands are always in
A Bug's Mind What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when he crashes
Go to racist joke, what's yours? Two unemployed Irishmen walk past a police notice
I paid 10.50 for a movie ticket to watch Tom Cruise die continuously for 2 hours.
Libertarian Presidential Candidate's new Campaign, inspired by Bernie Sanders. "Feel
Woke up this morning with a pillow over my face, hearing someone muttering "...it
Ropin' and Ranchin' by Larry Yett
You could be a "Before" model.
I like my women like I like my coffee... [Fill in the blank]
What is it called when you are on the edge of WiFi signal range? Router Limits!
Opinions are like Assholes... Everyone has one, and some just taste better than others.
Retweet if you're naughty! Star if you love Jesus! Reply if you'd like to meet him!
What do mutiny and an orgasm have in common? A sudden surge of seamen.