
California represent [hood dad]
Nobody wins
Unexpected cameo in Resident Evil [xpost from r/gaming]
This bugged me.
My current dilemma...fellow men know my pain
How to piss off ALL of reddit
It's all about planning ahead ladies
Timely Actual Advice Mallard
My contribution to reddit's current trend (NSFW)
Everyday on reddit... [fixed nsfw]
Very liberal GG female college student.[OC]
Its All Over!
Upon clicking a NSFW link, only to be greeted by something unpleasant
The new Actual Advice Mallard (nsfw)
I just imagined this up with what r/funny conjured for me in my head.
Cake Day. Bringing it back. Nuff said.
Saw it was my cakeday... panicked... Hoping for a this meme to make a comeback!
I shaved for this?
Found this out last night [NSFW]
In the age of youporn, redtube, etc., my thought every time I see a "someone
As a former fattie I say Fuck Them
The only reason this meme was, is, and will ever be popular.
A tribute to the fallen.
I come for the nudity
To all the people complaining about the Coke commercial during the Superbowl.
My girlfriend bought hipster glasses
What I think cats say to themselves when they start the day
Dear fiancé, do I have to spell it out on the internet?
My co-worker just experienced his first New England Spring, the (not so hard) way.
My friend everyone (possibly NSFW)
America is still the Land of Opportunity
2 out of 3 times it works
Lets get this to the frontpage so she can see it!
Somebody on another website had this to say. I have to admit, by that logic it does
My friend's roommate is really special
NSFW, courtesy of 4chan
When something marked NSFW
Whenever I click on a link that someone tags NSFW instead of NSFL
We just moved into a really nice house in what we thought was a quiet, peaceful part
I work in IT (NSFW language)
Friday the 13th is treating me well so far this morning.
Girlfriend often wakes me up with sexy calls
Every frickin' time I click on a NSFW in r/WTF...
I've really learned a lot from you, Reddit
I never +filtered FPH for this reason alone [NSFW]
We don't deserve your shit
Just ran into this gentleman on a NSFW sub.
I am not the most social but this helps me when I feel lonely NSFW
Argument with ex wife
Honestly, front page.... I don't get it.
Never forget...
Turns out he meant ribs
I felt disgusted with myself and it made for the some very confusing sex.
I'm a happily married woman
Frodo questions 'The Dude' and gets an answer he didn't expect
Like clockwork, let the porn fuel you.
Every time
Hey, at least she lives in a country with 'free' healthcare (NSFW)
True and NSFW.