
I need 57 upvotes if I want to break 10k karma by my 2nd Reddit cakeday. pls go.
Such a jerk. Possibly NSFW - Poop.
Fuck Traffic
Belligerent Sphynx
Curiosity killed the fap.
Make sure to lick her neck [f]irst...
Lil bastard cat
Seals discovered having sex with penguins
Can I pet your dog? (x-post from /r/wtf possibly nsfw)
A true friend of man (x-post from /r/funny)
If I Fits, I Shits
Pussy blocked
Think this monkey is the mascot for this sub
Donkey doesn't need a saddle either
[NSFL]Throwing food to hungry crocodiles which don't know the difference between
He sure didn't know what he was doing
Seal having its way with a penguin.
Some monkeys are exceptionally shy.
Ma'am, have you checked for lumps lately?
Penguin chick stolen from her mom and eaten alive
Monkey performing autofellatio at the zoo
The worst thing you can do to a friend in a deep sleep (x-post from /r/gifs)
"Nope, not as big as mine"
CAt doesn't have an itchy spot
[M] Who needs a BF if you can do this? (yellowstumps)
Thirsty AF
Tried to engage in a little self care (masturbate) but someone hadn't had his second
Penguin fecophiliac
NSFW Seals are not very picky
Just a hug?
NSFW Cat+Toaster, def not Nutella
Evil animal hurting a good dog
'Hey cat' ... Bam ... 'Forget it'
Flamingo doesn't want to be in a selfie!
Rhino tosses a warthog up in the air like a ragdoll
Model with a snake, WCGW?
Oh man this fish is out to get him!
Elephant not being very subtle.
This is why bob barker says to neuter and spay your animals.
Well,that’s THICC
Gotcha human!
When the good boys go bad
He’s doing this on Porpoise
Bit her lips off is what he did!
Very Naughty
someone drank, and someone washed at the same time