
She's right... I don't know what I feel anymore.
Nothing weird about this [Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai]
I think one naked person is enough thanks. (NSFW)
Geko (SFW) [Toaru Kagaku no Railgun]
This is from the very first chapter of [Boku wa mari no naka]
Nothing here, just eating a tomato (slightly NSFW) (Chu2)
Up Close & Personal [Prison School (Kangoku Gakuen)]
Under boob! [S.Y.D. season two] NSFW
I saw this and thought of you all. [x-post from /r/AnimeNoContext]
Dumpster [I have no idea]
The truth is... [Mayoi Neko Overrun!]
Hey, don't undress me anymore! [Seitokai Yakuindomo]
well, its kill la kill for sure [episode 21 spoiler]
No fucks given. [Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere]
I'm at a loss for words.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ [My Neighbor Totoro]
/a/, /co/, and /h/ combine to make a /w/allpaper for /b/
People who haven't seen Gintama, try to guess what happens in this scene !
Everyone! [Mitsudomoe]
Out of pure rage
Taste the ultimate whip of love!
Make it stop ! [School Rumble]
Meat juices!
Get a whiff of the plot [Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls]
[Prison School]
[Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou] Shocking Revelations
"Is that your breast and final answer?" (Suzuki-san no Suzuki-kun) - Mildly
I know [Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's] is related to a hentai, but I wasn't expecting
Ugh [Gantz]
[Yakushoku Distopiary - Gesellschaft Blume] (x-post from /r/animenocontext/ via /u/Tehnormalguy)
[Armitage III]
<Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chuu>
[Kill la Kill]
[Valkyrie Drive Mermaid]
[Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei][NSFW]
[r/animenocontext] The most important question. [Manyuu Hikenchou]
[Tonikaku Kawaii] Too lewd!
Obsidian 06
Obsidian , flowers and scarlet
Obsidian, flowers and scarlet 38
Obsidian, flowers and scarlet 40
[Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Comic Anthology]
{Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Ω}