
This Kills the.... (WARNING: GOT SE04 EP08 SPOILER) [NSFW]
[NO SPOILERS] Me and my girlfriend finally had sex last night
[Spoilers S4 E8] The Wild Clegane
[Spoilers ASoS] GET HYPE
George RR Martin
Dany Down and Dirty - NSFW (Since my post was locked twice in another subreddit)
[S6E1] [NSFW] The real excitement during Mel's nude scene
Icy to dull the pain. Hot to relax it away.
NSFW For Aussie Game of Throne fans
[EVERYTHING] I'm sorry. I don't know why I did this.
[EVERYTHING] 600 seconds into
Mother of One-eyed Dragons
The Game of Thrones show-runners after the Battle of the Bastards episode