
Yeesh (NSFW)
[NSFW] This photo could appear on many other subreddits, but works here also
Random Photobucket scratch..[Slightly NSFW]
Bad idea, good quality though.
To me this is the definition of a bad tattoo [NSFW]
slightly NSFW: I love my vagina, so should you
That's all Folks!
Not if it's colored like that.
Devil Tail {NSFW}
Finally saw something on my FB newsfeed...I had no idea what it was from the thumbnail.
A friend jokingly suggested his apprentice get this done..
Gotta love family, don't gotta love their tattoos, though
What do you call a turtle with a penis for a head? No, seriously... What the hell
Classy as fug.
Misogyny (xpost from /r/TumblrInAction)
C is for confused boner [NSFW]
Incredibly well done...but just so bad. [NSFW]
[NSFW] I'm pretty sure that if you only live once, you shouldn't be making such bad
Delicious (x-post from /r/trashy)
The closer you get to the centre, the worse it gets. Possibly a tad NSFW.
[NSFW] Not just a bad tattoo, but a bad life choice..
Spotted as a dating site profile picture..
JFK headshot? [NSFW]
I... I don't even... Oh, the stupidity. (NSFW)
My one and only tattoo [nsfw]
Chanel. NSFW
Discovery: The pommels on the Hanwei Sword Stick and the Practical Sidesword can
Ass almost makes up for whatever that is on her arm.
Not bad because quality but good luck with getting laid with this one (xpost from
Toronto tattoo shop. Accurate female form..
Sweet tattoo you got there..
Thuuder Only Happens Wlen Its Raisinl
Saw in gonewild (m) nsfw
Does scarification count as a bad tattoo?
Never mind politics. Facebook find.
..and it continues like this up and across the back and over a shoulder.
Up the right leg, across the back and over the left shoulder.
This is embarrassing.
Dick head.
Bad torso
Even the tattoos has bad tattoos
Bart Simpson
Facebook Never Disappoints (Maybe NSFW)
Thank you, Facebook. I am not worthy
NSFW Something tells me my friend WONT forget
Facebook Trash and Treasure delivers again!! NSFW
It's okay, I want to cry as well [NSFW]
Found on IG
Old coworker delivers a masterpiece.
Another great one from instagram (NSFW)
This guy is aself proclaimed "quality artist" and "mobile". This
Well then... #trumptrain?
Eat my shorts!