
I feel like there's something I'm missing here
I.... Can anyone explain the anatomy in this tattoo please? [NSFW]
those are some pointy hips
There is this fighting game called Skullgirls where the women, although hypersexualized,
Yeah, no, that's totally how that works
Based on bust, midsection, hips, this looks at least a little ‘shopped. Or is she
Chun Li, I don't know where to begin. [Art/NSFW]
I know hentai is cheating, but what the hell is going on with her vagina.
Found this gem on Twitter
Coworker came across this gem on Facebook. So much bad anatomy... So much racism...
Yeh i know its fake but wtf lol
'I don't believe nerve endings have anything to do with orgasms'.
the only femeals worthy of marriage are beautiful clean innocent disease free virgins
Browsing r/all new and I don’t think abs or boobs work that way....
Become a Virgin again with new Intelligent Spray™!
Bad women's anatomy from another woman
Who needs spines anyway
A RealButt™
It’s all the same!
I mean what are they really...
some greasy Cheeto dusted basement dweller getting a hard on by this picture and
[NSFW] Someone I know shared this on Facebook. I have one less Facebook friend now.
I'm convinced the Daily Mail's Snapchat is run by a bunch of horny teenage boys
Men only want one thing and it’s disgusting
If course it's from MGTOW
Everyone's favorite reliable news source is back with some totally legit science!
These hands tell a story
That crunching sound is her spine snapping in half.
Fat people have tighter vaginas...?
A genuine question: Did they get any of this right?
Women’s thighs have too much friction for speed
Came across this in a Facebook group im in. Caption said 'Prove me wrong' (Not sure
Repost to include context. Posted in one the incel subs. I have no words.
Yes, of course women produce semen
Where do I even begin
I think her spine is broken
On a thread talking about how women in hentai don't get pregnate.
Posted confidently by a man who has reproduced.
Found this on FB.
This Monstrosity On A RAW Rolling Tray.
No, sir, I do not pee from my vagina.
That’s exactly what a woman with pants on looks like.....
Anime is basically cheating but come on...
Everything about this 90s PC game print ad.
Move over, "women pee through a maze".
It's usually pretty easy to ignore male SF authors that don't know how bodies work.
Went looking for a crochet pattern and found more unrealistic beauty standards for
Boob pads - a fine alternative for menstruation (context in comments)
I don't even have to explain why this is awful.
Found this on FB about strange Wish ads... Vagina tightening cream... Has it been
The lyrics to this song... In-out of my WHAT?!
Porn subs are cheating I know
Tiny tiny leg and feet, how can she even stand ?
I have no words.
Bad joke, worse art.
This Instagram account should stick to memes
apparently c stands for coconut-size?
Condom shirt and broken spine, what a terrible combo.
Ancient Greek Edition