
Redditor's Husband (xpost from r/beardporn)
Wow, Santa got BUFF! [x-post from BeardPorn]
Serious Beard and a new kinda underpants I'm testing out.
Hand me a towel? It's cold down here. (xpost beardporn)
The Inlander missed out
Lunchtime in my favourite coffee shop across from work. Felt the need for a cheeky
Bedroom eyes, or so I'm told...
Shameless self x-post from r/BeardPorn, because I'm camwhory today. Fresh out the
Got bored at work
some glasses, some beard, some hamstrings, some smirkings
Feelin' confident today, can you tell [m]e if my confidence is accurate or not? [+]
Bearded and naked.
Nailed It
Out of town for work and feeling a little lonely. Any ladies like to chat with a
An Aussie after winter!
NSFW. Bearded in the nude.
LBGW + Beardporn + Naked = ?
just found this sub recently
Time for a skinny dip. Add me on SnapChat: hungmuscleguy SnapCash accepted ;)
You weren't here, so I played with these instead.
Just me 'n my chi.
My furry man chest + hat and beard
I don't plan on doing anything but this all day
Well, fuck anonymity I guess, let's get trolled. Do any other OC'ers want to chat?
New running shoes, check. Hmm, what's missing?
I like my roomie's bigger bath mirror
The beard is coming back...wish the beach weather would too before I leave Cali
Nude beach! Nude beach!
Got canned from a big boy job today, feeling stressed. I know this is a repost, but
first post, what do you think?
I was bored so heres an album, any kinkier ladyboner lovers want to keep me company?
Come give me a hug! Snap me too 'DisenchantedRom'
I always get too nervous to leave posts up for too long. Convince me otherwise?
Any ladies like lumberjacks?
So fresh, So clean! (Shout out to OutKast)
A rugby player on the road back to fitness...
Gamer, Bearded, Hairy, Grower.That's me!
Progra[m]ming is boring, I prefer to take naked pictures ?
[28] Uncut beard + hung uncut cock
A gif from my bath.
Is it hump day yet?