
Woodpecker eats grey matter
A bird flew in my window, sh*t on my laptop, and decided to die right in front of
This dog just ate a drone
New drone disposing older model
This has been going on for centuries
This tattoo
MRW everybody knows that the bird is a word..
Another drone destroyed! More join our revolution every day!
Clinical trials on humans start tomorrow.
Seagull flew to the wrong pondhood
One down, many more to go
You do not want to see the rejected models. Thankfully this one never made it past
Wake up sheepl!
Chick gets destroyed by a black cock.
The government isn’t even trying anymore - you can clearly see this ones antenna
Fucking Majestic
Peaceful protestor abducted for death camp (2019). State celebrates with commissioned
Mama bird never came back
Another bird lunching on another bird's decapitated head