
Remind me to check this one out sometime
Roses are red
Roses are red , Violets are a flower ...
Roses are red, lepers are sick
Roses are red, Harambe is in heaven...
MRW my roommate accuses me of cultural appropriation for using a didgeridoo improperly.
[NSFW]I don't kinkshame, BUT... I can't even.
[NSFW] I was more horny than talented in my younger days
A Real Trick or Treat
[NSFW] Meanwhile on primetime TV in Denmark
The most effective protest
Roses are red, life is pain
Roses are Red - Violets are Blue
Roses are red, the more you know
Roses are red, Hope is dying
Roses are red, my shit is a brick
Roses are red, fast food is yuckers...
Roses are red, Royal baby Prince Louis is the latest
Roses are red, my pit bull is vicious,
For how long?
Masturbation is a sin
Roses are red, Rihanna can twerk,
Roses are red, this post will befuddle you
This time's a trick. I'm not sure that I'll fool you.
Roses are red, the ocean is azure,
I still think I'll pass.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus...
Roses are red, violets are blue. X is dead and Skins is a
The size of Squidwards nose is just right
Tulips are flowers and ice comes in cubes
Roses are red, turbo is shit
Roses are red, my pet is a peeve
Saw this on r/BootTooBig, thought y’all would appreciate as much as I did ??‍♂️
Is this a lie? I'd never tell.
The truth is revealed in my failure to plan,
NSFW Roses are red I probably shouldnt. I'm looking for a partner, follow the instructions
NSFW Roses are red, my violets have bugs,