
A very disappointing development in teledildonics. [NSFW]
Magic tentacle dildo [NSFW]
Can't wait for you guys to find out which of my friends...
Fish vibrators
You’re a Slizzerd Harry, Expecto Cumplosion
Penis Drill?
Sex spices
Oh no
“I’m still pissed that you hit your juul while your dick was in my mouth”
this is brand new
One day I will impromptu ketchup my pussy for you
Sit on my face lest ye have no grace
Sometimes you need to stop and research.
Potato salad
I choked my pet turtle and he got a boner.
uhh, well,
Transplant corn dicks
Using a GTA cheat to cum, I never knew that!
The meat lube helps the pickle take that big hot dog
Man legally changed his name to "Big Dick" so that "They niggas will
You ever read a sentence and wish you were illiterate so you could have never read
I'd do a routine on ice...
Ok then, for an hour I will not have sex with your moms corpse, so then for the rest
Something, Something, Monkeys and Typewriters
"Did you cum?"
"Fuck you right back, bitch-faced bear"
But no... you wanna turn your vagina into a construction site.
4 elephant cocks
Used inflatable cross-dressing vagina pants
Ejaculated anchovies out of your dick so hard your body gets pushed backwards
Anus starts salivating
Murderous, you say?
We are God’s children and he left us all in a hot car to die
On the topic of YouTube couples
Best tldr ever.
Some enterprising blasphemers turned his corpse into a communal fleshlight
Blowjobs count as anal
Kayne with a pussy would be breathtaking.
Shit is a more subtle taste
One of these 5 sentences has to count
Hypothetically, how would you have sex with a horse?
New Orleans Archbishop Says He Burned Church Altar Where ‘Demonic’ Priest Had
"Can't watch the video with sound on"
Tickling satan's prostrate
As the penis recedes to its cozy inner sanctum, the tip naturally pulls up and away
Let’s talk about this. Would it be beastiality? Scooby has human level intelligence
It's common knowledge that Bernie Sanders has a giant slobberknocker daddy mayo maker,
You're not going to horny jail you're just going straight to federal prison
Run. Think. Shoot. Dick Gets Hard. Live.
Like a small elephants trunk
“I never thought that nut did a loop-see-loop before getting shot straight into
Happy International Women's Day.. to my gorilla grip...
I want to live in a world where I can go into my local grocery store, pick up a bottle
You ever flap your loose bussy to let cold air on your colon?
Gargle his balls... he said
She got that turbo pussy