
Coming soon to an airport near you(kinda nsfw)
Who else remembers this APPLE ][ game from school when they were a child?
Canada flag [slightly NSFW]
RCMP babe [slightly NSFW]
Canada flag #2 [slightly NSFW]
This is Canada's BIGGEST douche ...............sorta nsfw
I was going to use this pic on my UBB rally sign, but didn't get it done in time.
I was a little disappointed the green men weren't at the Canucks game tonight...
A couple of hockey fans on CBC news. (NSFW)
Really?!...Because It Isn't Marked NSFW...
Stay classy Vancouver rioter. (quasi-NSFW)
MILF of the year (canadian edition)
Hidden symbolism in the Roger's Logo. [Suggestive, probably NSFW]
According to TSN, it definitely doesn't look like we came out on top [Canada vs Tonga]
O Canada indeed!
You stay classy, Toronto
So the federal and provincial government sent me stuff today!
Check out what arrived from UPS today!  This make me proud to be Canadian
Found this portrait of Harper on facebook... feel it deserves better [NSFW]
How I feel about our Harper Gov't *NSFL*
O Canada (NSFW)
Isn't Canada Beautiful? Peyto Lake - Alberta
One of a kind masterpiece: The Essence of Harper
$20 In Canadian Tire money makes you feel richer than you actually are.
Meanwhile in Canada...
They found the right flag. [x-post from r/misc]
Rachel Perry - My favourite Much Music VJ
Policing in Edmonton
[IFF] If Rob Ford has any sense of humour ...
I found a mug from the 80's at a garage sale last summer. I don't think our PM has
I present to you, McKenzie King [History]
Canada has a serious epidemic. [x-post /r/funny]
Great place to put an ad for the government of Canada (NSFW)
Oooooooh, Canada....
My first morning in Canada and I was greeted in true Canadian style. I didn't see
C51 passes the Senate. It should be clear now.
Get cyber safe Canada!
With glowing hearts, we see thee rise.? (nsfw)
Happy Canada day, from /pol/
A sample of r/metacanada, who's users often participate here. [NSFW]
NSFW these anti-Trudeau religious pamphlets are getting out of hand
For those that think all Albertans are Conservative, here's a dissenting voter. Taken
My thoughts on the F**k Harper fiasco
This came in an envelope marked "Important Election Information" in Winnipeg.
Life under the TPP. How it will affect you.
oh stephen
[NSFW] Bye bye Harper
Canada's new PM Justin Trudeau making friends (NSFW)
Average /r/Canada poster
My coworkers didn't know what I was talking about...
I've always wanted an Iā¤CANADA shirt
Seen 20 meters outside my highschool that is also part daycare. There is no way this
[NSFW] Most searched relative porn terms in Canada
I found a very interesting Steven Harper mug at a garage sale a few years ago
Went on a weekend camping adventure in B.C for a remote mountain lake. Great success
Found on another sub, metacanada has reached a new low - their discord users tell
Happy Canada Day.
NSFW! Peter Mansbridge's Twitter likes right now
Happy Canada Day ! <3