
Le true story of when le circlejerk stole le christmas [FIXED][TRUE STORY][JUST HAPPENED][FIXED][NSFW]
Dear Circlejerk, none of my friends tolerate my anti-social behavior on Facebook.
ATTENTION CIRCLEJERKERS.  Here's a body you can put your face on.
[Meta jerk] [m]y first post..Taking /r/circlejerk to a whole new level NSFW
Faces of /r/circlejerk
[NSFW] OMG! I just searched 'circlejerk' on Google I[m]ages and i got this picture
Congratulations, r/circlejerk: We did it!
I heard you like circlejerk....
NSFW Sorry if re port [x-post /r/circlejerk]
An appeal to the mods of r/circlejerk (OC)
[MOD REQUEST] Circlejerk, this is getting out of hand. Discussion inside. (throwaways
Lets get this circlejerk started
Most used words in /r/circlejerk in February 2013!
Whoa! My shittyReactionGif to being allowed to post shitty reaction gifs to /r/circlejerk
In exactly one hour (4:20 PM EDT), post rationing will end and /r/circlejerk will
/r/circlejerk/new literally right now
Finally r/circlejerk has links, now I can show it ALL off! ;)
[Serious][OC][Fixed][Request][OC] An Appeal To The R/Circlejerk Mods [X-Post /r/unidan)]
Edward Snowden is Time's 2013 Person of the Year for the 5th year in a row. We did
DAE remember circlejerk's 5th birthday? Fuck I'm old.
Its circlejerk's 5th birthday!! Upfive for fivibility
It has been a great day for /r/circlejerk (only 90s atheists will get this) [SERIOUS][OC][CONFIRMED][SOLVED]
This image is the best representation of Circlejerk so far
Please note that this is a self-post for which I receive no karma(self.circlejerk)
This got no love over on /r/circlejerk, thought you guys might like it [OC][NSFW][Serious]
IAmA Jennifer Lawrence. You reached 3000 upvotes so I'm here to deliver. You did
Will /r/CircleJerk help me deliver this gift to Jennifer Lawrence in top post? Pls
Why I'm leaving /r/Circlejerk
TIL A college in Japan allows students to wear ANYTHING they want to their graduation
DAE Remember only text posts on Circlejerk? Fuck I'm Old.
I think r/circlejerk needs to be aware of this. Please UpPuff
X-Post from /r/circlejerk
If this post gets 2000 upmaymays, /r/circlejerk will become karmawhore themed.
After an internship at /r/circlejerk
After an internship at /r/circlejerk...
After an intership at /r/circlejerk
What are you doing on the "new" section of Circlejerk? (NSFW)
Congratulations /r/circlejerk, you are assholes of the day. *CLICK HERE TO REDEEM
<------ If we all upvoted 3 times, /r/circlejerk would be over in an hour.
If this post gets [A lot] of up[references], then /r/circlejerk will become [topic]
And the monster bent down and said: "If this gets upboated to the front page
If this post gets 6969 upjerks, /r/circlejerk will literally become circle jerk themed.
a circlejerk a day keeps the le doctor away!
[NSFW] If this post gets 3000 Upthroats, /r/circlejerk will become a blowjob themed
First time posting to /r/circlejerk. I hope Im doing this right.
MRW I found out that /r/circlejerk is shrek themed again...
TIL before Reddit, circlejerks were pronounced 'Circjerk'
So i searched on Google what circlejerk meant. I was not disappointed.
An appeal to the /r/circlejerk mods ^^NSFW
r/circlejerk is leaking!
[NSFW] Wow, wasn't really expecting James Franco to respond to r/circlejerk like
1776 upvotes and /r/circlejerk will become communism themed.
[NSFW] timelapse of r/circlejerk over the past 3 days [NSFL]
MFW im on the front page of r/circlejerk
A third of r/funny believe r/circlejerk poses an imminent threat to Reddit, outranking
[NSFW] The level of spookyness in /r/circlejerk
Hi, this is Jimmy Wales. I am founder of /r/circlejerk, a robot, my servers cost
Heard you anything will upvote circlejerk