
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.
Classic in 21:9 and dual box ready, down we go!
My resubbing experience. Every character looks like this. :(
My GF keeps trying to warn me...
Trembling at the thought of classic in a month
Guild is Deciding on Server. Decided to Campaign a Bit for the Best Server.
Blizzard, you really gotta work on your name filter.
***LEAKED DOCUMENT*** showing details of 15$ early access! NSFW*
NSFW it seems
We get it. 69 hours. Lols
Don’t come to Hillsbrad
I guess some things never change. [NSFW]
NSFW Barrens chat never fails to provide
Found this painting in Classic WoW...the guy outside the house makes it worse
Just kill me
This guard in Stormwind has his eyes poked out
That's, uh... an interesting rock formation
For a 15 year old game WOW is oddly beautiful
Finally, my Tank is wearing Full Plate armor...
So Blizzard, I'm not saying these are tits, but um... They look like tits...
Playing on a potato has its “advantages”...
Day 30 on an RP server
How it feels to quest on Skeram as Alliance
[NSFL]My friend who just hit 60 was reluctant to show me his played time
I had an emotional moment last night :(
I've seen this on a NSFW site before...
I've gotten ganked soo mcuh today...I'm starting to understand theor language.
Finally got 40 and my mount. Onwards to the next big grind!
Typical AV
I see your festive Multiboxer Christmas tree and raise you this.
View from my favorite fishing spot.
When your only contribution to the sub is a source to a porn meme [nsfw]
First World of Warcraft Problems
literally every frostsaber grinder's wet dream
vael getting taunted by 7 different warriors while flamebreathing
Just rolled Horde for the first time on another server. I can say with confidence
Loot from typing "/e spits on you." for 10 months
That feeling you get when you never see your server mentioned on this subreddit because
Even Healers Want The Big Big Numbers
Exactly what kind of doll did Pamela own and where can I get one?
NSFW: Light mode be warned
Staysafe is a white supremacist
every dps warrior
You get what you deserve!
Do you like petite young girls like me?
It was useful in vanilla but damn is this great now.
Me as a mage joining a group with two warlocks and a pally tank
When the mana pool is exactly the right size