
I think I'm going to enjoy Zero Year (Batman #21)
The newest issue of Injustice was fantastic. They're making me really like The Flash.
I would read the hell out of a series about young Bruce and Clark together [Batman/Superman
I didn't think I could love Lying Cat more than I already did, until I saw these
Great Artwork of the current Avengers roster (Spoilers)
"I've lost my powers before..." (Justice League Beyond 2.0 Chapter 5)
I'm already loving the new Ms. Marvel. Especially the art style! (All-New Marvel
I realize they're the bad guys in this context, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't
I like it when Superman gets a little cocky. (Superman/Wonder Woman #6)
Making new friends (Guardians of the Galaxy FCBD)
Reconciliation (Batman and Frankenstein #31)
"You don't talk about the Fastball Special..." (She-Hulk Vol. 2 #16) (Spoilers)
[SPOILER] The Simple Truth (Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #2)
Magic takes some getting used to.[Justice League #31]
I guess we know what happens to this guy in the future...[Avengers #32]
Holy Shit! So pumped for Spider-verse!(SSM #32)
[Spoilers] Somebody understands the importance of a good night sleep. (New Avengers
How I feel when I talk about comic books with my non-nerd friends. [All-New X-Men
"Do you know how to use the shadows and the night" (Grayson Futures End
This really ruined the gravitas of this page for me. (Death of Wolverine #1)
Life just ain't fair. (Ms. Marvel #8)
This is why I love Batman. [Justice League #33]
[Spoilers] Doom would make a great dad (Loki: Agent of Asgard #7)
Spider-Man giving Nova a pointer on costumes. (Avengers &X-Men: Axis #5)
Can we not overlook how completely ape Magneto went on Red Skull's men before Axis?
Marvel Now! Recommend Survey Results Infographic
[Minor Spoiler] Anyone else really want this scene in the MCU? [Guardians of the
Carnage learning how to be a hero [SPOILERS] [Axis - Carnage #2]
My favorite moment in the "Forever Evil" arc. I gained infinite respect
Now that's how you make an entrance. [Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Three 014]
Ant man's daughter knows what ups ( Ant-man 1)
Technique > Brute force [Injustice: Gods Among Us - Year Three #17]
There was a reason he was Batman. (Grayson #8) [spoilers]
I love this [AGE OF ULTRON]
Rocket Raccoon's greatest enemy: Legs (Rocket Raccoon #8) [Minor Spoilers]
This series has some of the best Deadpool writing I've seen [Uncanny X-Force #5]
The Gwen Stacy variant for the upcoming Groot #1
That Good Ol Star Wars Feeling. I Love This Book.. {Darth Vadar #6}
As someone who works with special needs children, I found this hilarious[SAGA #30]
[SPOILERS] Bryan Lee O'Malley's NSFW Sex Criminals variant
The Avengers' One Rule [Ant-Man Last Days #1]
[Excerpt] My award for prettiest page of the week goes to Weirdworld #4
The Human Torch finds out about the new Spider Mobile [Amazing Spiderman #3]
[Spoiler] The only sensible reaction to life in the Mignolaverse [BPRD 1946 #5]
Marvel's Editors don't know how to handle relaunchs anymore [Howard the Duck #03]
(Spoilers) The Old Man Returns [Old Man Logan #1]
[SPOILERS] Does He Dare? (Spider-Man #1)
Spider-Man gives Miles Morales some life advice (Spider-Man #2)
Jake Long: AMERICAN KAIJU! [New Avengers #9]
[SPOILER]I once broke the back of the Batman. I thought to do the same to you. [Gail
[Fan-Art] Crossing over two controversial comic panels make a pretty funny result
The villain of King's first Batman arc is revealed with a little digging into the
(SPOILERS) Spider-Man is Amazing (Daredevil #9)
[SPOILERS] If anyone was having their doubts about Tom King's Batman (Batman 5)
True Love (Superwoman #2)