
Obama: Working Class Bro
So I made a photo mosaic of Barack Obama composed entirely of leftist extremists
/r/Conservative [removed] Scott Walker sticks up for the little people[NSFW]
Scarred for Life. (Possibly NSFW)
/r/Conservative [spam filtered] My interpretation of how taxpayers in my home state
[NSFW] Beatin Barack
White Male: Enjoy the Privilege (NSFW)
The Libyan people send their thanks to America for liberating them by giving the
If any Democrat pulls a "fair share" bullshit argument on you, just show
The impeccable logic behind "tax and spend" liberal economic policy.
Fucking N*gger won again (twitter)
Interesting precinct by precinct election results in my home town
In case you're wondering why libertarians are sick of the GOP...
/r/Conservative [removed] [NSFW] As a Conservative and a Muslim, I have no problem
Image of terrorist at the scene of Woolwich attack/beheading of soldier
I made a more fitting Rolling Stone cover. (Graphic-gore warning)
Failed Anthony Weiner campaign slogans...
Hillary 2016!
David Axelrod gets burned on his pro-Obamacare tweet.
What I hear when Obama speaks
I seriously hope everyone in America has realized this by now
Liberal hypocrites.
I've been seeing this argument a lot more often on Reddit nowadays
Pill popping democrat! [nsfw]
Tolerance vs. Hate
Fuck feminism
[NSFW] Former porn actresses share their experiences
This has gotta be a first for an election campaign.
So apparently you guys wanted to see this:
Lyndon Johnson at his finest
Reddit (and r/politics) in a nutshell
nsfw how it feels to be a democrat
13 Hours:The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi - spoiler alert
Alleged paparazzi picture of Ted Cruz having sex with mistress just leaked! NSFW!
To the left is a member of ISIS, to the right is a 'Syrian Refugee' in Greece
"A Science Enthusiast" thinks there's no difference between semen and a
How I am feeling right now
"We will cut government spending..."
Such high energy
California gun laws
You know, for kids!
Democratic Party leadership... NSFW
The main stream media doesn't get to retract their way out of this mess. Not until
Hold up... Is this really comparing masturbation to brutal murder of an unborn child?
Don't get distracted
(NSFW) Republicans will hold the throne for many years to come by the looks of things.
Smells like 2020
Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ movie is much worse than the poster. Censored images inside.
Spotted in Cap Hill Seattle
The similarities are striking
Thanks from Norway!
Does this old Ann Coulter tweet explain the response to the Toronto shooting?