
Now with 8 times the cringe!
they just got engaged and she got this cute tattoo
He posted this thinking it would attract the ladies. Instead, it's given him the
Oh god why
Guy "share's" stuff like this all the time.
I wuz gettin some head.....;)
Some time during the night.
Sittin' on the toilet. [Maybe NSFW?]
Train Wreck
He fell asleep in the bath. NSFW
Guy tries to make himself a meme on /r/adviceanimals
This showed up on my Instagram feed. "My new addition" [NSFW]
Someone I follow on Instagram posted a picture of his new tattoo
Real Love [NSFW]
I was told you'd appreciate this. It popped up while I was browsing Flickr images...
Saw this one in my Facebook feed. She probably could have waited till she was done.
Why would you get this done?
Such a ... beautiful tattoo.
He is orgazm.
I stumbled upon a blog with photoshopped pictures that left me both impressed and
I told a guy from craigslist I wasn't interested. He sent me a bunch of angry emails
Not your eyes...
Found this beacon of truth on /r/conspiracy
Oh for Christ's sake.
Because Everybody wants to know what she's doing there
He posts stuff like this on a daily basis.
Peeing off a balcony....classy..
This is apparently front page material. This community is embarrassing sometimes.
I don't understand how people can feel comfortable posting shit like this
You seem to be leaking
Cuddling with my baby (NSFW)
Don't even know if this should be considered friend zone...
[NSFW] Who does he think he is impressing?
People say I look like taylor swift
Some people have no filter as to what to post online
I don't even know what to say about this
I'm on my period (She's back!)
TWERK it mom! slightly NSFW
Not his dick
Let's take a cute picture ♡♥
Feeling crazy
"First night with my love <3"
[NSFW] He has multiple posts like this, but that doesn't make it any better
[NSFW] I like showing us fuck lol
We did it!
I'm still in shock that this actually happened on my timeline
[NSFW] "was before she was taken"
Guy Does a Throwback Thursday of When He Shit Himself on Public Transportation
i want to lick your muffin ;)
Poor guy in my computing theory course uploaded the wrong photo to Piazza
So, it's not just women that get these..
Someone sent a friend of mine an unsolicited dick pic. She shared it on Facebook