D Arts

Just did this piece on Lust, let me know what you think [NSFW]
last night i stayed in and painted my derriere, ha  (nsfw)
Still Life by Gil Elvgren [NSFW]
Human Nature, my favorite out of a series of three I did. What do you guys think?
"Vessels," Oil on Panel, 10x24in - collaboratively painted by Cara &
My process GIF. Digital painting study.
DayDreamer, colored pencil and ink
'Bodily Eliminations' mixed media on paper 11x17 by Waylon Horner (me)
"Cover" Acrylic on Linen, 5.5"x5.5"
Figure's Sensuality. One hour sketch. No reference. 8.5"x11" on Fabriano
Bedroom nude, Graphite, A4
Nebula, Colored Pencil, 14x12.5"
My Anxiety, watercolor, 5 x 8
My digital study of Bouguereau's Evening Mood
Collection of Rubens LP's work
Tattoo'd Woman, 24 x 48" Oil on canvas.
Sweater Head., Pencil & Watercolor, 5in x 8.5in Moleskine - NSFW
The Rebirth of a Myth, Adrian Borda, Oil, Year
"Metamorphosis II" Robert Liberace, oil on panel, 2015
Lovers, Oil on canvas, cm 80x200
Figure Study, Oil, 9x12''
Slumber 18x24, charcoal
"Embrace Me", Graphite on Moleskine, A5
Sunny Easter Pinup by Johannes Helgeson
"look in the mirror," Acrylic on canvas, 16"x20"
Hollow, Graphite, A5
Camouflage, Rebecca Tillman, Oil painting (24"x24"), 2016
"Menschliches, Allzumenschliches II" by drømsjel (Digital Collage)
'I Know Not Myself', acrylic on canvas, 20" x 20"
Dokebi Light Study: Inconnu, Soey Milk, Oil and dried blossom and sculpted iridescence
untitled, Robin Isely, collage, 2017
Summer Vibes, 1500x1500, Digital
Gesundheit, Berkeley Breathed, ink and poster paint, 1973
Obsession, Digital, 5700x3900
"Modesty" digital 720x800
Rain, Michael Parkes, Stone Lithograph, 2013
Reclining Nude (censored), watercolour and pencil on A4 paper
Nicole Gro_ükugel venus, Olaf Martens, Photography, 1994
Send Nudes, ballpoint, 2017, 10”x6” (NSFW)
Scarlett, pencils, 32x36in on watercolor paper
Oni, digital, 1622x2635
After Hours, Mix Media, 8x8"
The Boxer, Konstantin Somov, oils, 1933
Up in smoke, Me, Pencil, 2019
Gilt, Me , Photograph, 2019
Love me, Me, Graphite, 2019
Femme nue, Zoltán Verre, Photography, 1960
Get Forked, Me, Charcoal & Acrylic, 2020
Frisky, me, digital, 2020
'The Sorceress', Charlie McGlynn, Pencil on Paper, 2020
Come Down, Me, Photography, 2020
It has begun, me, photography, 2020
My Car, Me, ink, 2020
Vero, Daniel Maidman, Grey and White Pencils, 2021