
Nagi =)
Mio to Fulfill All Your Masochistic Needs
If I could find one of this.. I would buy it. Oh, and money. (Charlotte Dunois)
So I'm thinking this might be my next purchase...
For Liru: Yukikaze
My throwaway name provides! Exclusive daki of Uthstar's "Nanako", a WoW
Yoshino Cover
I dont really use reddit, but I thought I would drop by and say hello
Two new purchases
The Daki-Curve
My 2nd daki cover :D
PINK☆DORAGON - 描き下ろし!ピンク髪のエルフ娘リアちゃん抱き枕カバー
Selling my Highschool DxD covers for decent prices.
First Daki, now I need a better pillow. Suggestions?
First personal made Daki
Took her out for a ride
Siamese cat [As109]
All Might: I AM HERE...in ur bed
I finally filled my 420 CM Miia daki.
Pochaco Daki picked up recently. Should be two pics https://imgur.com/a/ttVhTWc