
Most mentioned words in the TV show "The Wire". My analysis shows no surprises
Interesting trend in July 2006
Saw this posted in r/dataisbeautiful - Abortions in the US by gestational age, 2004
(NSFW) Boobs per episode in Game of Thrones Season 1 (xpost)
Porn Map For Map Porn [640X370]
A Timelapse Map of the Unemployment Rate by State over the last 10 years.
XPost from /r/dataisbeautiful, road deaths per million 2002/2012
I made a wordcloud from a sample of 4600 pornhub video titles. The larger the word,
Deep Inside: A study of 10 000 porn stars and their careers
Pee fetish on survey (x-post /r/dataisbeautiful) Sexual Taboo Survey Results [OC]
Average Number of Sharpies inserted from two years of posts from /r/buttsharpies
One of my friends charted all the rivers and streams on Oahu. (x-post /r/dataisbeautiful)
My Masturbation Habits for the Last 3 Months Visualized [OC]
the porn habits of console users
Porn searches for Riley Reid after AMA [OC]
/r/dataisbeautiful lately (NSFW?)
Map of NSFW subreddits [OC]
In the Bathroom
Reddit's favorite swear word is 'shit'; the subreddit with the dirtiest mouth is
The tabooness and popularity of sexual fetishes, by gender! [OC]
[Results] Your Johnson preferences and Trouser Snake measurements are in! Come and
[x-post r/dataisbeautiful] My Sexy Sex, In Pictures
I asked 200+ women what was the biggest, smallest, ideal, current partner's and average
[OC] We are a couple (23M, 21F) that records our sex acts on Google Sheets (variables:
[OC] [NSFW] Sent unsolicited dick pics to girls who blocked me after seeing my face
The scale is negative and logarithmic. Still has thousands of upvotes in dataisbeautiful
(non joi) How did r/megajoi take our place? X-post from r/dataisbeautiful
300 years of element discovery
500 Swipes on Tinder [OC]
Number of Orgasms in a Year for My Partner and I [OC]
Tinder Data from a [19M] who's a little picky :P [OC]
Nearly 4 years of Tinder data as a Male (Age 18 - 22) [OC]
Tinder as a 24m in a big European City [OC]
2 Years of using Tinder as a 20M [OC]
[OC] 1 year of Tinder in the UK/Italy as a 19 year old male.
[OC] Tinder data over 1.5 years of a 21F pansexual
[OC] I messaged 284 Tinder matches and... "Hey" gets more responses than
[OC] Ejaculations for 2020 by orifice. Tracking and charts via Google Docs.
[oc] How taboo and popular are sexual fetishes? A survey of 2044 respondents.
When countries will be currently recovered? [OC] from covid?
Take a break. and come to daddy. Ill take care of you xxx LIVE ON AVN. ALL FATHERS