
Makes me think back to all those conversations my friends and I had in YW about our
How I imagined the temple video as a teenager [nsfw]
NSFW !!! Apparently this is a thing... Liberal homoerotic retelling of the restoration
Oh yeah baby...
Presenting: Thoughtful Joseph
If you love Cards Against Humanity - it just got a little funnier
Walking Porn
Was told I should put this here too. Sent this to my cousin who's about to go on
found this relevant I think. Perhaps NSFW: Religion is like a vibrator
God is asleep, post shoulders
Shoulders! I'm a dirty dirty slut
Happy Pride Festival 2014! Love TSCC! [Mildly NSFW]
Sexy Shoulders on Sunday [NSFW]
NSFW: My friend's amazing ex Mormon tattoo.
Spank *NSFW* ?
I wish more people would realize this...(x-post from r/funny, thought it to be relevant
They said I had to wear a dress because its Sunday, not pants. They failed to mention
This is what came to my mind when I saw the post about the Gucci Bag. It's Mormon
Boob of Mormon (NSFW)
We made a fake tinder account: Peter Priesthood
Found my " White Bible". So many bare shoulders.
Possibly NSFW Gallery of Exmo Porn
Awkward moments in The Book of Mormon (NSFW)
My Valentines Day card to my wife this year.
A reason for you to go to the bar 5 monkey's in salt lake nsfw
Seen near Brigham City (Warning: juvenile humor incoming)
How many will you give?
When your TBM parents say you're not dressed modestly.
It's getting hot outside... Time to bring out the shoulders!
Was looking at NSFW subs and got this ad...
This is what got me through my entire mission.
Slc pride parade is in full swing when I see this.
gay Moroni is one ripped dude
Jon McNaughton's One Nation Under God painting spoofed
My facebook friend made this which illustrate *perfectly* what kind of an asshole
Wife's first facebook post with porn shoulders!
(NSFW) The tattoo I got on my ass shortly after sending in my resignation letter.
Boyd K. Packer's Most Used Words
NSFW There's a Burning in my Bosom
From the The Friend magazine, December 2008...
Oh Satan....you little devil!
Is this a still from one of the new temple movies? (forbidden fruit)
No Father's Day lecture about my sacred duty (hehe, duty). Instead, my wife and kids
Here's a picture of the infamous cursor for those on mobile.
I can't believe it's been seven years since attending church! Born into TSCC, though
Rare Photo of a FAIR Apologist
Is the slutwhisperer exmormon?
The missing Book of Abraham Papyrus has been found
Utah's #1 Public Health Hazard...
(Nsfw-ish)(no shirt) Left fattest I ever got in my marriage, depressed and hated
This rat would crawl through holes in my missionary apartment ceiling and up and
In 2017 I was depressed and had just left the church. Two years of emotional recovery
My first tattoo (phoenix) - two sessions in, one more session to go