
My Alabama friend's comment on getting kicked out of a casino.
Some people share way too much.
And her first child will be named Snowboarding...(semi-NSFW)
Hit Like If You Are Not GAY !   So much wrong with this.
I don't think she knows her private Instagram account is linked to Facebook......
 I wonder if these girl know that once something's on the Internet it stays there.
My friend was tagged in a photo. This is the reason I must approve all post I'm tagged
Almost a thousand likes. I don't even...
The guy who posted this picture is in grade 10... why? [nsfw]
Yeah, morning shit...
I like 'Sliding it in' too!
[NSFW] Do you really want your friends to know this?
I'm convinced that no matter how enlightened civilization becomes, stupid will continue
Those are some outrageous claims...
I finally got one NSFW
Random Friend From Elementary School Updates Profile Pic (NSFW)
Why would you post this?
I feel like these people don't understand what Martin Luther King Jr. Stood for.
Seems everyone on facebook is just a horny prick.
Exploding Nephew(Might be NSFW)
#momoftheyear (NSFW)
Why did Facebook have to enable hashtags?
This guy would rather endure a 'pelican' than cut his mullet... NZ south island Students.....
but its ok. cuz yolo right?
Apparently he decided to show the world he felt lighter.
You weren't witty and you made me think of you masturbating. Please stop.
[FIXED] ""Like' if you don't want this to happen to you :)"
Screenshot of her own tweet.
A girl tagged another girl?
No, I would love this to happen to me
Killing Two Birds With One Stone
That is one hairy vagina...? (bad title. Includes stupid argument.)
Man murders wife, posts picture and confession on Facebook. Happened today.
Yep, those are balls. Up close- they always look like landscape.
Yep, those are balls. Up close- they always look like landscape.
Girl on my feed tries to make a meme of herself.. while shitting.. [Not really NSFW,
She regularly posts personal shit like this, however subtle it may be.
How far will FB pages go