
Obergrüppensführer von Milhouse plots the eradication of the enemies of the Reichand
Sarah Baartman, aka Venus Hottenthot, on an afternoon out for a walk [Colourized]
A West German soldier passing a flower through the Berlin Wall before it was torn
Rare photo of first romantic encounter between Clinton & Lewinsky (1995)
Mass hangings of NAZI war criminals, Nuremberg Germany, 1946 (NSFW)
[Colorized by me] The Jersey Shore circa 1905. "On the beach, Asbury Park."
Pawnee Mayor Walter Gunderson risen from the dead circa 2017
Horrific picture Jim Nabors death. (2017) Colorized.
Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell meeting Sergey Kislyak in New York.
Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell meeting Sergey Kislyak in New York. Circa 3017.
Jennifer Lawrence meeting Harvey Weinstein (2011)
The United States providing supplies to the Allied Power France through illegal shipping
Sex workers protest against money pay "all we need is love" they say. This
Donald J. Trumps' leaked nudes! [NSFW]
[NSFW] Donald J. Trumps' leaked nudes! (2010)
Gaston, getting ready to lead the attack on the Beast's castle.
Trump admin officials unpacking their defense at the future criminal investigation
[deleted by user]
What Martin Luther saw that prompted him to write his 95 theses, 1516
Bully steals kids lunch ca. 2008
Me pointing out the name of this subreddit to people, 2018
Vincent van Gogh loses his ear (1888)
An Italian nurse looks upon the mangled body of a fallen soldier (1942, colorized)
Polish child sucking antisemitism from his mother's breast [2019]
Young Vladimir Putin grabbing a older womans boobs
Leaked footage of India and Pakistani soldiers exchanging fire [2019]
9/11 Terror attack (2001)
Route 424 on it's maiden voyage just prior to Trumps famous 'grab them by the pussy'
Joachim von Ribbentrop conforming the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with Vyacheslav Molotov.
One Punchman losing to China
This image is illegal in China. Xi Jinping as a small child dining in Tiananmen Square,
This image is illegal in China. Future president Xi Jinping dining in Tiananmen Square
Waterboarding at Abu Ghraib
Russian civilian during the Siege of Leningrad (colorized, 1943)
NSFW Victim murdered on valentine's day massacre by strangulation with balloons.
The US attempts to solve masturbation addiction after coronavirus quarantine ends
Shocking footage of a man committing suicide during the Great Crash (1929)
Shocking footage of a man committing suicide during the Great Crash (1929)
Assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler, March 21, 1943
Nukes are scary
Reading chair from the 18th century
Lorena Bobbitt severs the penis of John Wayne Bobbit (1993)
Traditional Norwegian balls torture [ Circa 810 ]
The Birth of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. (1946, colorized)
Mitch McConnell Takes a Bath [1980, colorized]
Trump getting colorized (2020)
Black history... (1961)
Black history... (1961)
Lynndie England and some Iraqi friends invent a popular new meme (November 8, 2003)