
A serious eye-fucking from a hot blonde girl | 90 year old woman's poon
Cat under sleeping dogs ear | Amputated foot from hypothermia
[50/50] Anne Hathaway's tits|Old man shits himself before getting gang-raped
[50/50] A clip from A Serbian Film [NSFW] | A Serbian Puppy
[50/50] beautiful redhead (NSFW) | botfly extraction (NSFW/L)
[50/50] Slow motion tits (NSFW) | A man tearing off multiple layers of his pants
[50/50] Amazing Natalie Portman look alike (NSFW) | Girl vomits in other girl's mouth
[50/50] Chick With Amazing Tits Drinking Milkshake (NSFW) | Horrible Meat Grinder
[50/50] Camel with a cool haircut | Cameltoe looks like a butt [NSFW]
[50/50] Proud Mom holding an adorable otter baby | Horrified Mom holding a recently
[50/50] Blonde girl enjoying herself on chatroulette (NSFW) | blonde man enjoying
[50/50] Nice ass (NSFW) | Rectal prolapse (NSFL)
[50/50] GIF of man pouring alcohol in a woman's vagina then setting the alcohol on
[50/50] Taylor Swift's skirt suffers an updraft, revealing her granny-panties | An
[50/50] Frightened Baby Pug | Skinless Penis (NSFW)
[50/50] Beautiful Ocean View | Beautiful Ocean of Poo (NSFW)
[50/50] Dead body of a shark attack victim (NSFW/L) / a puppy with a shark costume
[50|50] Shirtless Obama sexually rubs pancakes on a unicorn horn while Grumpy Cat
[50/50] Keira Knightley's Tits (NSFW) | Morbidly Obese Man Found Dead Covered In
[50/50] Dick wiggle I Titty jiggle (NSFW)
[50/50] Russell Crow | Incredible tits [NSFW]
[50/50] fat naked lady hanging by ropes (NSFW) | cute fat puppy
[50/50] Miranda Kerr (NSFW) | Man run over by car (NSFL)
[50/50] New Miley Cyrus flashing photo shoot (NSFW) / Steve-O before he went to rehab
[50/50] Man with stomach cut open [NSFW/L] | The most delicious looking brownie ever
[50/50] Panda at Toronto zoo playing in the snow | Light machine gunner shot in the
[50/50] Wine bottle opener inserted into urethra (NSFW/L) | Miranda Kerr's photoshoot
[50/50] A guy mashing up bugs, putting them on toast and then eating them (NSFL)
[50/50] Fat woman falls off her scooter after cutting off little kids in the grocery
[50/50] Guy punches an ATM which explodes on him (NSFW/L) | A dog is overjoyed to
[50/50] Rihanna Flashing at World Cup Final (NSFW) | Lebron Streaking at World Cup
[50/50] A Panda trying to jump rope SFW | Lightning kills Japanese teen on pitcher's
[50/50] Cat attacks a firefighter who's trying to get it out of a tree causing him
[50/50] Stripper falls off stage when she steps on Martini glass (NSFW-ish)(Some
[50/50] Child signing Cthulu's contract in blood next to a disemboweled Lincoln and
[50/50] Ohio State marching band moon walk | Motorcyclist crashed into car &
[50/50] Ninja Cat with Crazy Hops (SFW) | Drunk Guy Falls Down the Stairs and Breaks
[50/50] Chainsaw Juggling | Guy accidentally injured his finger while using chainsaw
[50/50] wish that wasn't so bloody (NSFW/L) | wish that was red (SFW)
[50/50] Train Hits Woman Wearing Earphones NSFL | Shia LaBeouf applauding Not-NSFW
(50/50) Man runs into a wall and gets knocked out (SFW) | Po (NSFW)
[50/50] Strawberries and cream cheesecake with recipe | Hydnellum peckii, the bleeding
[50/50] Sniped while reloading mounted machine gun NSFW | Pullout bunk bed SFW
[50/50] Black Rhinoceros SFW | Motorcycle rider flattened NSFW/L
[50/50] Quokka Selfie Is Cutest Trend In Australia Right Now SFW | Crash during police
[50/50] Pitbulls being cute | Opening the door in a car wash is not recommended Not-NSFW
[50/50] Old man shoves raw egg up his bum (NSFW/L) | Cats dancing (SFW/L)
[50/50] An Owl and Cat are Best Friends | A Relapsed Anus Video (NSFW)
[50/50] Chilean forest worker falls into deep crevice (NSFW) | Puppies being rescued
[50/50] Headshot | Perfectly executed goal Not-NSFW
[50/50] Panda playing drums | Guy falls and scar splits revealing knee replacement
[50/50] Escalator accident | Lightning at 7200 fps Not-NSFW
[50/50] Riding with a parrot SFW | Afghan Soldier Killed when trying to defuse an
[50/50] Two posters, one hoop | Two girls, one cup (NSFW)
[50/50] Lava on a hill SFW | Taiwan Waterpark Fire Kills 15 and injures nearly 500
[50/50] Guy sticks bottle up his [****] and it breaks (NSFW/L) | Otter gets a slam
[50/50] A sports blooper. SFW. | A suicide jump. NSFW.
[50/50] Boobs [NSFW] | Man jumping from a bridge [NSFW]
[50/50] Necrotic Arm tissue gets removed by surgeon (NSFL) | Sweet Potato (SFW)