
Fuck you, I'll use this tag however I damn well please
Take that totinos!
Fuck you, I'm a dog
Fascists trying to tell me what I can and can't do this September. Well FUCK YOU!
My cakeday submission, 2 days late and a repost, fuck your rules
Fuck your air conditioning.
Fuck you, I'll repost myself if I want to.
Cover my tattoos for work? FUCK YES I WILL
Don't snort dandelions
The Doctor is one of us.
I'm gonna drink my milk WHICHEVER WAY I WANT.
Fuck da police
Fuck breaking off a piece.
No. This was the original Anarchist
I opened this fucking banana, and it was actually corn inside the peel. Way to rattle
You can't tell me what to do, Capri Sun!
Ah, the taste of freedom.
you don't tell me what to do with my pens!
I go where I damn well please
You can't tell me what to put in this container
Fuck you, fascist video!
This is actually tea in this mug...
Part M&M's, part Skittles, part Reese's Pieces. Some people just want to
Fuck la policĂ­a...
I do what I want
People are rioting at my work
Dogs don't give a fuck
Fascist tray makers can't organize my life!
My Kind of Can
Do not reply.
I'll drink my coffee on my own damn time.
Your paint doesn't control me.
You don't decide what I want!
My roommate will shit on your rules.
This cat knows what's up.
Fuck you, Snickers!  Don't tell me how to store my leftover candy!
You will never control me!
Hello, old friend
Beer, you can't tell me what to do!
I sometimes find it hard to keep track of a 
subreddit's rules...
You can't tell me what to upvote!
Try and stop me assholes!
Being an anarchist isn't always easy.
Fuck job rules
Word count requirement was 200
Fuck the police
Fuck you and your tolls (xpost from /r/motorcycles)
You guys....I....I don't know what to do!
Bitch thinks she can tell me what to do.
Our house.
Fuck your meme
Fuck you, test.
All That Remains puts their intro track where they damn well please
November, you don't own me.
Anarchy in NSFW
Protesting, Danish style [xpost from r/pics]
The most NSFW thing I've ever seen!
I don't have a cat, so for my cakeday I submit to you a nice pair of tits.