
[2X14 Minor Spoiler] Other Barry
[Spoilers] More sub leakage found on /r/AskReddit
Spoilers: It's nice to know that Zoom is providing a public service.
[Upcoming Spoilers] What's that in the background?
This subreddit right now is full of spoiler tags
MRW after tonights episode [SPOILERS]
[Huge Spoilers] My reaction to seeing the ending scene..
[Spoilers] When Zoom revealed himself
[SPOILERS] My bold prediction for Zoom's identity is pretty much useless now.
[Spoilers] Multiple Jays Theory with Visual Aid (Read First)
[Spoilers] All I could think of after last night's reveal.
[Spoilers] This sub right now
We're Leaking Again Guys.....(Suits Spoilers Ahead)
[Spoilers] Gaaariiiiick! Garrick?
We're all Jay Garrick now
[spoilers] I haven't seen this one yet..
[spoilers] I thought I would decorate an index card based on who I truly am
[Spoiler] I've figured out who the man in the mask is
Watching the new House of Cards Season when suddenly... (HoC Spoilers)
[spoiler] the iPhone zoom feature
Zoom's Favorite Movie. [fixed]
I became Zoom aka Michael J Fox aka Jay Garrick
[spoilers] My first jay post
(Spoilers-ish 2x15) Team Flash's Least Favorite Singer
[s2 spoilers] I was searching something for evidence and... how unexpected/amazing
Barry at Supergirl's Earth (spoiler)
[spoiler]("Team flash underestimated...")
(Spoilers?) Did anyone notice that the flash had a red logo in the new Supergirl
Well, this is not a compilcation. This is Velocity effection. (spoiler)
You thought this was a photo of Jay Garrick...
[S2E17 SPOILERS] I guess most of the budget went into the Time Wraiths lmao
[Potential S2 Spoilers]Jay Garrick is Batman
[s1 spoiler](#s "Wellsobard explains shit.")
Because you worth it. (spoiler)
[Zoom Origin Spoilers] Comic logic checks out
[Spoiler](#s "MRW Felicity said that Laurel is a strong women and she's coming
[Spoiler] Wally's costume leaked photos!!
[Flash spoilers] People during 420 be like
Arrow 4x08 Spoiler: New member of the production team?
(Spoilers) Zoom's TRUE Identity
[Spoilers] Wally West Costume Concept by Scrap-Witch
[Possible Spoiler] Most interesting man in the iron mask
[Spoilers/Shitpost] Leaked costume concept art. Call him Walliver Quest.
[Spoilers if you don't know] Jay Garrick
[POSSIBLE SPOILERS] Will somebody please explain what they needed a freaking CPU
(SPOILER) Saw this on IMDB for The Flash...
[SPOILERS] Totally Called It
[Actor Fluff] Grant recking Stephen on his bday!
[Spoiler] Barry reincarnate???
I have a pretty good idea who the man in the iron mask is, spoilers
[2x21 spoilers] zoom's meme-ions (shitpost)
Found a guy who looks like a young Wellsobard
[S2E22 Spoilers]Barry after this episode