
[Spoilers] I put the leaked Fallout 4 map next to Google Maps of roughly the same
Spolier - PC pics Ultra setting
***spoiler*** A closer, more detailed look into the map.
[Spoiler] Cats confirmed!
Real Life Boston Map v Fallout 4 Boston Map - Credit to /u/echmcech for FO4 map and
Power Armor Mod Variety
Fallout 4 Loading Screen Stills
Found a fallout 3 easteregg in fo4 :) how many remember it?
Proof that cat pictures will outlive Reddit and even the apocalypse.
[Spoilers] I respect people's reviews for fo4, but seriously? "No cover system,
Friendly reminder on how to fire from cover in Fo4! [Image] [No spoilers]
Friend asked me if this is why I got the pip-boy
[no spoilers] cool addition to FO4
Is this the real ending to Fo4 or is it just some guy fucking with me ?(Spoiler)
All my years of maturity culminating into this one project
[SPOILER] So I found the Railway Rifle
[Spoiler]Goddamn it. /r/fo4 is everywhere now
same gender action in fo4
"Curie, you met me at a very strange time in my life."
SPOILER WARNING: Professional cunt and accomplished asshole /u/NickyG29 is PM'ing
[spoilers] Just gotta love the variety of dialogue choices in FO4...
[SPOILER] Poetic Justice
[SPOILER?] Found this in Milton General Hospital. Merry Christmas /r/Fo4!!!
[SPOILER] You cannot use the Awareness perk to identify synths (Proof)
The only item you should never drop.
[SPOILER] Doing the Battle of Bunker Hill while being allied with all the factions
Is there nowhere safe anymore?! (Very NSFW)
(NSFW) Dat ass doe, I'd tap it.
Pretty much sums up my experience with FO4 (Spoilers).
[Spoilers] I finally got Shaun back
[Spoiler] Somehow threw a synth relay grenade through the glass. Guess he lives there
Freedom of the Press
[MAJOR SPOILERS] 4chan user breaks NDA, releases info about Automatron DLC
[FO4 BROTHERHOOD SPOILERS] I tried to play it cool, but my friend is on the scent
Cait goes to Summer Camp
[Possible Automatron Spoiler] I heard you can upgrade Curie now
Doubt it will do any good.
Marcy's shed was lacking some light...
Im not safe from him, not even on *certain* website.
FO4 Far Harbor: I'm glad I brought Nick with my for the side quest. *Minor Spoilers*
[NSFW] I got Curie completely naked without any mods!
[NSFW] 50 shades of Fallout 4
[NSFW] A gift to you for a "productive" weekend (my FO4 character)
If I'm gonna spend the entire game playing as a widower searching for his lost baby
[Spoiler]s? Random FO4 Explosions
When you and your best friend are screwed but at least you're in it together
Breaking Bad took a different route after the bombs dropped (possible spoiler?)
Anyone want me to explore their vault?
[Spoiler] Happy Father's Day
[NSFW] Let's just say Preston won't be bugging me about settlements any longer.
Merry Christmas from Knight Rhys