
Look what I found - Can't speak to its authenticity
New Spoiler!
Follow the instructions dammit
(Spoilers Everything) A great piece of show continuity: Ned Stark's longsword
Tormund considers on his future
(NSFW) When that fermented crap finally kicks in.
Leaked photo of Drogon vs Viserion
When she asks you to bend the knee
[NO SPOILER] /r/gameofthrone cupcakes.
boatsex incoming.
When Daenerys bends the knee after finding out Jon is the true heir to the Iron Throne.
S8 Storyboard Found
Jamie Lannisters first engagement with the white walkers
Fabulous video. Would watch again (NSFW)
Bran?! (NSFW)
Can I get 4 downvotes please?
Did anyone else notice Jon was wearing a condom during BOATSEX? (Picture Enhanced)
Darth Vader's HBO subscription is finally available [OC GIF]
Bran Stark maybe the Three Eyed Raven but Isaac Hempstead Wright is the Four "
Don't worry. This isn't a repost. I changed the levels in photoshop and added some
Pinup of your favorite female characters
Laser eyes are so season 7
Our boy in blue gets thousands of upvotes, how many can we get for half naked girls?
'Game of Boobies'
L'Origine du Monde
Season 8 spoilers. New clip of John in Winterfell while Danny's in Kings Landing.
At the Citadel, Sam discovers important information for Jon for the battle against
Two Distant Members of House Targaryen Practicing an Ancient Family Tradition (NSFW)
Truly the wost death in the whole series :'(
Windshield Wiper
This person is truly committed to their Queen's decency... NVM
"Hey baby, my Dickon fire for you." [NSFW]
King Stannis was getting headaches from all the shitposts against the erotica posts.
Just finished my first watch through yesterday. No homo, butt... NSFW
A Girl's first face acquisition was a bit too obvious...
Unused shot from the Arya sex scene
Jorah whenever he sees Daenerys
(spoiler) Calm down, you fucking cunts. It hasn't even aired globally and you pull
My favorite scene from last night
Starbucks opens franchise in Winterfell
I would rather wait another 2 years for a quality finish than the shit we're getting
Cersei gives Daenerys and Sansa a wedgie.
What’s going to happen to Arya next episode?
I drew an accurate depiction of how the writers treat us.
[NSFW] When you recall first auditioning to play Varys vs when you realise your role
Remembering the ones we lost along the way
Bend the Knee.
Season 7 and 8 character outfits be like:
Euron Greyjoy be like
NSFW When you'd do anything to get that role of Varys but have to go back to your
"For the night is dark and full of terrors..."
This is a dark one, sorry.