
Trespasser [FastTrack37D] (Human > Fox; MM, Spirit, Tentacles)
Fear and Desire [Sky3](Human> Canine; M)
New Pack Bitch [Spiritraptor](Human > Raptor; MMMM)
Some Strange Eggs [hhazard] (M Human -> H Giraffe/Dragon Hybrid; Oviposition)
Rubber Pup [Kerun] (Rubber/Goo, M Human > M Dog)
The dog show (Scoot Moondog) [M human > F dog]
Tasty Noodle [Kerun] (Sequence, M Human > M Dragon)
Jurassic [Kerun] (M Human > M Dinosaur)
Open Wide [Kerun] (M Human > M Hippo)
Cool watch! [bubbeh] (M Human > M Dragon)
Samus Bad End [F Human -> F Frog] - menma911
Man to Myth [Kerun] (M Human > M Minotaur)
Full Moon [F Human -> F Werewolf] - Chinchillanilla
Transformoo [F Human -> F Cow] - StormFedeR
AJ Joining the Diamonds Dogs [F Human -> F Dog; MLP] - henhenhen
Needy Doggie [F Human -> F Dog] - Bendzz
"Like a Sister" [M Wolf -> F Fox; Latex/Goo] - proxer
A Small Change [M Human -> F Mouse; Animation] - tgwonder
Lust and Wine [Kerun] (M Human > M Satyr)
Cock Transformation! [M Horsecock TF] - sakitastar
Purrfect fit by Watsup
A warm welcome by LewdyDoo [F to dog]
Calcene by Tharakaos [M to F anthro fox]
You asked for it~ by F-SS [F to F anthro wolf]
Cellene [F Human -> F Wolf] by nothere3
Werebun [F Rabbit -> F Rabbit Monster]
Something wrong with this carrot~ [F to anthro bunny] by Matemi
Nuki Pills [Kerun] (M Human > M Tanuki, Hyper)
Orc Jewelry [Kerun] (M Anthro Wolf > M Orc)
Fleeced [M Human -> M Sheep, Weight Gain] by Forepawz
[F Human to Robot Shark] Roboshark TF (By DragonManMike)
Double Awooification [F Humans -> F Anthro/Kemono Wolf/Werewolf] by c-3matome
My Girlfriend Has Paws Now!? [F Human -> F Wolf]
I make homemade live-action werewolf transformation scenes. Over the past year or
Were-Hare Erza The Animation [F Human (Erza Scarlet) -> F Anthro Bunny/Rabbit,
She's Got Big Milkers (cowgirl, anthro cow, BE, mental TF, more) [comic preview]