
Sexiest army in the world
Hot girl I went to high school with.
Show 'em how it's done, Linda.
How do you feel about anime?
Thank you Parallax for reaffirming my faith in American Society.
I hadn't put the clip in yet...
Found this in pics.. Thought you folks would dig it.  (X-post)
AR-15 Love
This belongs here (x-post from gifs)
[self] Hope you guys don't mind airsoft
Looking good
Cocked and ready MILF
Full Auto Jiggle
Big Tits, big gun [nsfw]
Petite chick, huge revolver
Famous Korean War Chick
Does this count? Russian girl with a holster, sitting on top of a dude with a gun.
Dat scape
Female Major from Rio de Janeiro Military Police - Brazil during a riot
Steady Aim
Erika Mayshawn
Country gal & her rifle
Let's go hunting. [900x1241]
Not to be fool around with
Blonde + Badass
I make this look good
Poppy Drayton as a blonde with a British light machine gun
Model Nana Korona
oh dear
Your grandmother may have been cooler than you think
British las trying her hand at American freedom.
A girl we can see eye to eye with.
When the warm weather comes out so does the proper patriotism.
A girl who certainly knows how to wear black
Redhead behind an MG
Double guns
Awfully nice belt you got there.
The modern warrior woman
Vintage pic from the first meeting of the Armed Lesbian League
Daiana Del Puppo
Pump it
Taya Christian (xpost r/tacticalwomen)
Camo cutie
Mizz Issy
Ethereal Rose
Sniper Nun
Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Chicago.
Can I be your favorite tiny fuckdoll? ??? snpcht-caxflat
Around me wherever I go HMU?on?sc?midlandgal16
I just cut my bangs ... Do I look cute?
Up_v0te = nude on S C: AnnePowPow Please cum inside, make yourself at home
Find me on S N P:AnnePowPow [F] Your orders, my pleasure
[f] Kiss kiss/bang bang <3
Why I've been kissing you s?nap>blazorwar!
Anche l'uomo che vestiva posato s,,nap>hitgreedy!
F1nd me on S N P:AnneHere1 [F] Give me your dick 10 times a day
Half Indian, half Romanian — from New York City